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How To Configure Basic WHM Settings For VPS & Dedicated Server?

Mastering basic settings in Web Host Manager (WHM) of a Virtual Private Server (VPS) or a dedicated server is crucial to managing the hosting environment efficiently. WHM is a handy web hosting tool that you can use to perform incredible tasks.

- Manage your server

- Create and manage cPanel accounts

- Monitor server status

- Configure various settings

Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up basic WHM settings:

1. Initial WHM Access and Setup

Accessing WHM

- To begin, access WHM using your web browser.

- The default URL for WHM is https://your-server-ip:2087.

- Log in through the root username and password.

Initial Setup Wizard

WHM will guide you through an initial setup wizard upon the first login. This wizard helps configure essential settings:

- Contact Information

Enter a reliable email address for server notifications and alerts.

- Hostname

Specify a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for your server. Ensure it is asubdomain that points to the IP address.

- Resolver Configuration

Set the DNS resolvers to enable your server to resolve domain names. Typically, you can use your hosting provider’s DNS or public DNS servers.

- Main Network/Ethernet Device

Select the primary network device (usually eth0) for your server’s IP address.

2. Basic WHM Configuration

Server Configuration

Basic WebHost Manager® Setup

In WHM, navigate to "Server Configuration" > "Basic WebHost Manager® Setup." Here you can:

- Set the default nameservers for your server.

- Configure the default home directory for new accounts.

- Specify the maximum number of mail per hour per domain to prevent abuse.

Server Time

Server Time

Set your server’s time zone by navigating to "Server Configuration" > "Server Time." Choose the appropriate time zone and sync the server’s clock.

Service Configuration

- Service Manager

Go to "Service Configuration" > "Service Manager" to enable or disable various services on your server. Common services include:

- Apache Web Server: Handles HTTP requests.

- cPanel DAV Daemon: Manages cPanel file transfers.

- DNS Server (BIND/NSD): Manages domain name resolution.

- FTP Server (ProFTPd/Pure-FTPd): Handles FTP connections.

3. Security Configuration

Security Center

- Host Access Control

Configure IP-based access restrictions for SSH, WHM, and other services. This enhances security by limiting access to trusted IP addresses.

- cPHulk Brute Force Protection

Enable this feature to protect against brute force attacks. Configure it under "Security Center" > "cPHulk Brute Force Protection."

SSH Access

- SSH Configuration

For secure SSH access, navigate to "Service Configuration" > "SSH Configuration." Change the default SSH port from 22 to a non-standard port and disable root login. Instead, create a user with sudo privileges.

4. Account Management

Creating a New cPanel Account

- Create a New Account

Go to "Account Functions" > "Create a New Account." Enter the domain name, username, password, and contact email. Configure the package settings or create a custom package for the account.

Account Suspension

- Manage Account Suspension

To suspend or unsuspend accounts, navigate to "Account Functions" > "Manage Account Suspension." This is useful for handling abuse or billing issues.

5. Backup Configuration

Backup Wizard

- Backup Configuration:

Set up automatic backups by going to "Backup" > "Backup Configuration". Enable backups, select the backup type (compressed or uncompressed), and choose the backup retention settings. Configure remote destinations if you want to store backups off-site.

6. Monitoring and Maintenance

Service Status

- Service Status

Monitor the status of various services by going to "Server Status" > "Service Status." This section displays the health and uptime of services like Apache, MySQL, and FTP.

Log Management

- Raw Access Logs

Enable raw access logs for domains under "Raw Access Logs." This helps in diagnosing issues by providing detailed access information.


7. Email Configuration

Mail Settings

- Mail Server Configuration

Configure mail settings under "Service Configuration" > "Mailserver Configuration." Choose between Exim and Mailman, and configure spam filters and email limits.


To Sum it Up!

WHM must be installed on a VPS or dedicated server to ensure that the server runs at total capacity and is adequately protected. Following the above steps, you can efficiently host websites and user accounts on your server. The daily check-up, coupled with applications of the proper security measures, will enhance the server's performance without causing any hitches.

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