HPC Cloud Computing

HPC Cloud Computing

Cyfuture Cloud's High-Performance Computing (HPC)

With unmatched processing power and speed provided by Cyfuture Cloud's High-Performance Computing (HPC) solutions, enterprises can handle challenging computational jobs with simplicity and effectiveness.

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Harnessing High-Performance Computing in the Cloud

Customers can rent high-performance computing HPC Cloud Computing resources through cloud computing services on a pay-per-use basis. This particularly benefits businesses needing more resources or expertise to manage their own HPC systems but require periodic or temporary HPC capabilities. Cloud-based HPC allows users to access a variety of configurations, such as different processor types, memory, storage choices, and specialized gear like GPUs or FPGAs. Users can choose their preferred operating system and necessary software tools.

When the HPC resources are provided and accessible online, users can utilize them like any other computer resource. This makes it possible to execute high-performance computing (HPC) applications, handle large-scale computations, and adjust resources as needed. Cloud providers such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, and GCP offer great simulations, data analysis, and machine learning services. Cloud-based HPC Cloud Computing is a cost-effective and accessible choice for businesses lacking dedicated HPC infrastructure. Users may pay for the resources they use and modify their consumption as needed.

Stay On Top With Our High-Performance Computing Technical Specification

Compute Nodes

  • Processors: Dual Intel Xeon Scalable processors (up to 28 cores per processor)
  • Clock Speed: 2.0 GHz base frequency, up to 3.8 GHz with Turbo Boost
  • Memory: Up to 1.5 TB DDR4 RAM per node
  • Storage: NVMe SSDs, up to 10 TB per node
  • Interconnect: InfiniBand HDR 200 Gbps or Ethernet 100 Gbps


  • File Systems: Parallel file systems such as Lustre or GPFS
  • Capacity: Scalable storage solutions starting from 100 TB to multiple PBs
  • Speed: High throughput with read/write speeds up to 10 GB/s


  • Network Topology: Fat-tree, 3D Torus, or Dragonfly configurations
  • Bandwidth: High-bandwidth, low-latency networking with InfiniBand or high-speed Ethernet
  • Switches: 100/200 Gbps switches with port aggregation capabilities


  • Operating Systems: Linux (CentOS, Ubuntu, or RHEL)
  • Job Schedulers: SLURM, PBS Pro, or Grid Engine
  • Development Tools: Compilers (GCC, Intel), MPI libraries (OpenMPI, MPICH), and GPU computing (CUDA, ROCm)
  • Monitoring and Management: Comprehensive tools for system monitoring and resource management, such as Ganglia, Nagios, and OpenHPC

GPU Accelerators

  • GPU Options: NVIDIA Tesla V100/A100, AMD Instinct MI100/MI200
  • CUDA Cores: Up to 8192 cores per GPU
  • Memory: Up to 40 GB HBM2 memory per GPU
  • Performance: Up to 19.5 TFLOPS single-precision, 9.7 TFLOPS double-precision performance

Environmental Specifications

  • Power: Redundant power supplies with efficient power usage (80 Plus Platinum/Titanium certified)
  • Cooling: Advanced cooling solutions, including liquid cooling and hot aisle containment
  • Rack Density: High-density racks with up to 42U height


  • Data Encryption: End-to-end encryption for data at rest and in transit
  • Access Control: Role-based access control (RBAC), multi-factor authentication (MFA)
  • Compliance: Meets industry standards such as GDPR, HIPAA, and ISO/IEC 27001

Support and Services

  • Technical Support: 24/7 support with dedicated HPC experts
  • Professional Services: Consultation, installation, and optimization services
  • Training: Comprehensive training programs for HPC users and administrators

Cyfuture Cloud Perspective: High-Performance Computing

A leading provider of high-performance computing (HPC) technologies, Cyfuture Cloud enables companies in a range of sectors. Our view of HPC is centred on utilizing state-of-the-art technology to achieve previously unattainable processing power and efficiency levels. Cyfuture Cloud is dedicated to helping businesses reach their most challenging objectives, whether advancing artificial intelligence and machine learning, streamlining complicated simulations, or quickening scientific research.

At Cyfuture Cloud, we recognize that HPC Cloud Computing is more than simply processing power; it's also about offering scalable, secure, and dependable infrastructure to tackle even the most taxing applications. Our reliable HPC Cloud Computing solutions are based on cutting-edge technology, such as fast CPUs, GPUs, and specialized networking capabilities, so that our customers can confidently and easily take on compute-intensive jobs.

Furthermore, our approach to HPC goes beyond hardware and includes strategic advice and full support services. We work directly with companies to help them achieve their goals for growth and unique demands by streamlining data management, optimizing HPC procedures, and implementing affordable solutions. Cyfuture Cloud is your go-to partner for harnessing HPC to spur innovation, create operational efficiency, and maintain your competitive edge in today's market, regardless of your background in academia, research, engineering, or finance.

Why Choose Cyfuture Cloud For High-Performance Computing?

Cyfuture Cloud's strong infrastructure, specialized knowledge, and dedication to innovation make it a standout option for high-performance computing (HPC). Our high-performance computing (HPC) solutions are made to satisfy the rigorous computational requirements of various sectors, including financial services and research & development. Our cutting-edge data centres, furnished with potent processors, fast networking, and expandable storage alternatives, offer the basis for handling intricate computational assignments efficiently and effectively.

Performance optimization is our top priority at Cyfuture Cloud to guarantee the smooth running of HPC workloads. Our customized solutions can provide exceptional speed and dependability, regardless of your need for large-scale data analytics, simulations, or parallel processing capabilities. We increase computational efficiency by utilizing cutting-edge technology like GPU acceleration and distributed computing frameworks, which help businesses gain faster insights and shorten the time to discovery.

Furthermore, our all-inclusive support services enhance our HPC Cloud Computing capability by enabling proactive monitoring and minimizing-the-clock technical help to reduce interruptions. We work hard to ensure the highest dependability and uptime since we recognize the importance of HPC applications. Organizations require high-performance computing, which may push the frontiers of computational research and innovation by using Cyfuture Cloud provides them with scalable, secure, and innovative infrastructure.

Our Advanced High-Performance Computing Feature Offerings

  • Scalable Infrastructure

    We provide scalable HPC clusters that can expand seamlessly to accommodate large-scale computational workloads, ensuring flexibility and performance efficiency.

  • Advanced Processing Power

    Cyfuture Cloud's HPC solutions harness powerful processors and GPUs to deliver high-speed processing, enabling complex simulations, data analysis, and scientific computations.

  • Parallel Processing Capabilities

    Our HPC infrastructure supports parallel computing, allowing tasks to be divided and processed simultaneously across multiple nodes, enhancing efficiency and reducing computation time.

  • Optimized Solutions

    We provide high-speed, low-latency storage solutions for HPC applications that provide fast access to big datasets and enable effective data management.

  • Customizable configurations

    Tailored configurations and software environments enable users to optimize their HPC Cloud Computing setup according to specific computational and application requirements.

  • Security and Reliability

    Strict security measures, such as access restrictions, data encryption, and frequent audits, guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of sensitive information handled in our high-performance computing environment.

Multiple High-Performance Computing providers in India offer various hosting packages, but we are paramount.

  • Cost-effectiveness


    HPC resources in the cloud can be more cost-effective than purchasing and maintaining your own HPC systems. You can pay only for the resources you use, and scale the resources up or down as needed, which can help to reduce costs.

  • Convenience


    Using HPC resources in the cloud can be convenient, as you can access the resources over the internet and use them like any other computing resource. This can be especially useful if you need to perform HPC tasks on an occasional or temporary basis.

  • Scalability


    HPC resources in the cloud can be easily scaled up or down as needed, which allows you to quickly and easily adjust the resources to meet changing needs or demands. This can help to ensure that you have the resources you need to perform your HPC tasks, without overspending on resources that you don't need.

  • Customization


    HPC resources in the cloud can be customized to meet your specific needs, including the type of processors or cores, the amount of memory and storage, and any specialized hardware, such as GPUs or FPGAs. This allows you to tailor the resources to your specific HPC tasks and ensures that you have the resources you need to perform your tasks effectively.

  • Reliability


    Cloud-based HPC resources are typically highly reliable, as they are operated by experienced cloud providers. This can help to ensure that you have access to the resources you need when you need them and can reduce the risk of downtime or interruptions.


  • SAP

    SAP Certified


    MEITY Empanelled


    HIPPA Compliant


    PCI DSS Compliant

  • CMMI Level

    CMMI Level V



  • ISO

    ISO 20000-1:2011

  • Cyber Essential Plus

    Cyber Essential Plus Certified

  • BS EN

    BS EN 15713:2009

  • BS ISO

    BS ISO 15489-1:2016



HPC Cloud Computing Key Differentiators

  • Advanced Infrastructure
  • OptiOptimizedformance
  • CustCustomizableutions
  • Reliable Uptime
  • Expert Support
  • Cost-Effective Pricing
  • Compliance and Governance
  • Innovative Technologies
  • Data Integrity and Privacy
  • Industry-specific Expertise

Technology Partnership

  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership

HPC Cloud Computing FAQs


If your site is currently hosted somewhere else and you need a better plan, you may always move it to our cloud. Try it and see!

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