Cloud Block Storage

Cloud Block Storage

Embrace Cloud Block Storage Solutions

Easily attach virtual disks to your VMs with Cyfuture Cloud, backed by scalable and flexible cloud block storage for all your data needs.

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Empowering Performance with Cyfuture Cloud Block Storage

One kind of data storage architecture set up in fixed-size blocks is cloud block storage. It usually stores information that must be promptly retrieved, including database entries or operating system files.

Block storage cloud is a cloud computing solution that lets customers construct and connect virtual disc volumes to their cloud servers. These volumes may be accessed via a file system and utilized like a physical hard disc by performing conventional read-and-write operations.

The capacity of block storage services to meet high-performance needs is one of its main advantages since it provides low-latency data access. Applications that need quick access to data, such as file servers, databases, and video streaming, frequently employ it.

Future Cyfutures Cloud block storage: With cloud computing, you can attach and create virtual disc volumes, only paying for the used storage. Object storage, intended to hold vast volumes of unstructured data and accessible through a RESTful API, is not the same as cloud block storage. It also differs from file storage, which is set up with files and folders arranged in a hierarchy.

Applications that need quick, dependable access to data, such as file servers and databases, frequently employ cloud block storage. Moreover, cloud instances and virtual machines often use it as their boot disc.

Cyfuture Cloud offers cloud block storage SSD type with up to 30,000 IOPS.

Stay On Top With Our Cloud Block Storage Technical Specification



  • Organized into fixed-size blocks
  • Consistent Block Size
  • Predictable Data Structure
  • Efficient Storage Allocation
  • Streamlined Data Retrieval
Use Case

Use Case

  • Rapid Access Requirement
  • Particularly well-suited for storing operating system files
  • Ideal for applications with databases
  • Suited for storing performance-critical data
Cloud Computing Integration

Cloud Computing Integration

  • Provided as a service by cloud providers
  • Enables users to create and attach virtual disk volumes to cloud servers


  • Virtual disk volumes function similarly to physical hard drives
  • Accessible via a file system using standard read-and-write operations
Cyfuture Cloud Offering

Cyfuture Cloud Offering

  • Provides Cloud Block Storage SSD type
  • Offers up to 30,000 IOPS
Performance Benefits

Performance Benefits

  • Designed to meet high-performance requirements
  • Allows for low-latency access to data
  • Suited for applications needing fast data access
Payment Model

Payment Model

  • Usage-Based Billing
  • Provides a cost-effective approach
  • Flexible Spending
  • Transparent Cost Structure
Distinguishing Features

Distinguishing Features

  • Differentiated from object storage, tailored for large amounts of unstructured data accessed via a RESTful API
  • Different from file storage, organized hierarchically into folders and files
Common Use Cases

Common Use Cases

  • Frequently employed for applications requiring fast, reliable data access
  • Commonly used as a boot volume for VMs and cloud instances

Cyfuture Cloud Perspective: Cloud Block Storage

Our perspective on Cloud Block Storage is rooted in the commitment to deliver a seamless and efficient data storage solution. With our Cloud Block Storage service, users experience a dynamic approach to managing their data, leveraging the architecture organized into fixed-size blocks. This meticulous organization ensures optimal performance, allowing for swift access to crucial data, making it an ideal choice for storing operating system files, database records, and other high-priority information.

At Cyfuture Cloud, we embrace a flexible and user-centric payment model. Users only pay for the storage space they really use, which keeps our service in line with cost effectiveness and guarantees that users are only paying for what they use. In addition to encouraging financial responsibility, usage-based invoicing gives our customers the freedom to adjust their storage requirements as needed, making it an affordable and flexible option that can be customised to meet their needs.

In addition, our Block Storage cloud computing service is evidence of our dedication to excellence. We are aware that contemporary applications need high performance standards. Our Cloud Block Storage solution meets the requirements of applications like file servers, databases, and video streaming by providing low-latency access to data. With up to 30,000 IOPS capacity, the SSD type offered by Cyfuture Cloud is a prime example of our commitment to delivering state-of-the-art technology for unmatched cloud storage performance.

Why Choose Cyfuture Cloud For Cloud Block Storage?

Choosing Cyfuture Cloud for your Cloud Block Storage needs is a strategic decision rooted in a commitment to reliability, performance, and cost-effectiveness. Our Block Storage as a service stands out for its meticulous organization into fixed-size blocks, ensuring optimal data access speed. Whether you are storing critical operating system files, database records, or high-priority information, our architecture is designed to deliver swift and efficient performance, meeting the demands of modern applications.

At Cyfuture Cloud, we prioritize flexibility and affordability in our payment model. Users pay only for the storage capacity they utilize, offering a cost-efficient approach that aligns with individual budget considerations. This usage-based billing provides the freedom to scale storage needs up or down based on demand, ensuring that our clients have control over their expenses while adapting to evolving requirements. Our transparent cost structure empowers users with clear visibility into their spending, fostering trust and confidence in our Cloud Block Storage solution.

Furthermore, selecting Cyfuture Cloud for cloud block storage is equivalent to committing to state-of-the-art technology. With capacities of up to 30,000 IOPS, our SSD-style Cloud Block Storage is a prime example of our dedication to provide high-performance storage options. By using Cyfuture Cloud, you are choosing a dependable partner who not only comprehends the complexities of contemporary data storage but also consistently makes investments in technical improvements to guarantee optimal efficiency and security in the storage and retrieval of your data.

Cloud Block Storage Advanced Feature Offerings

  • Snapshot Technology

    Instant point-in-time snapshots enable easy backup, recovery, and system restoration.

  • Data Encryption at Rest

    Robust security with encryption-at-rest for safeguarding sensitive information.

  • Auto-Scaling and Dynamic Resource Allocation

    Seamless scalability and dynamic resource allocation optimize efficiency and costs.

  • Performance Monitoring and Analytics

    In-depth insights for proactive performance optimization and responsiveness.

  • Multi-Region Replication

    Enhance data redundancy and availability with multi-region replication.

  • Customizable Performance Tiers

    Tailor storage performance to match diverse workload requirements.

  • Integration with Cloud-native Services

    Seamless integration with compute instances, networking, and other cloud-native services.

  • Policy-driven Lifecycle Management

    Automated policies for data retention, archiving, and deletion for streamlined data management.

In India, cloud block storage providers offer various packages, but we are paramount.

  • High performance

    High performance

    Block storage is a good fit for applications that need quick access to data since it has low latencies and great I/O performance.

  • Scalability


    Block storage systems enable customers to add or remove store capacity as needed, with ease, as their needs change.

  • Flexibility


    Block storage is simple to employ with a wide range of workloads and applications since it can be connected to a wide range of virtual machines and cloud instances.

  • Security


    Block storage systems often include features such as encryption and access control to ensure the security of stored data.

  • Global accessibility

    Global accessibility

    Block storage is perfect for storing data that has to be accessible from several places since it can be accessed from any location with an internet connection.

  • Ease of use

    Ease of use

    Block storage systems are typically easy to use, with a simple interface and the ability to create and attach virtual disks as needed.

  • Cost-effective


    Users pay for the storage they really utilise since block storage is usually paid on a pay-as-you-go basis. Comparing this to building and maintaining physical storage infrastructure may prove to be a more economical choice.


  • SAP

    SAP Certified


    MEITY Empanelled


    HIPPA Compliant


    PCI DSS Compliant

  • CMMI Level

    CMMI Level V



  • ISO

    ISO 20000-1:2011

  • Cyber Essential Plus

    Cyber Essential Plus Certified

  • BS EN

    BS EN 15713:2009

  • BS ISO

    BS ISO 15489-1:2016



Cloud Block Storage Key Differentiators

  • Cutting-edge Performance
  • Flexible Payment Models
  • Advanced Security Features
  • Scalability and Resource Optimization
  • Integrations and Interconnectivity
  • Data Management Simplified
  • Multi-Region Replication
  • Performance Monitoring and Analytics
  • Comprehensive Solution
  • Reliability and Durability
  • Cost Optimization
  • User-Centric Experience
  • Continuous Innovation
  • Diverse Use Cases
  • Proactive Support and Service
  • Compliance and Governance
  • Transparent Communication
  • Global Reach
  • Environmentally Conscious

Technology Partnership

  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership

Cloud Block Storage FAQs


If your site is currently hosted somewhere else and you need a better plan, you may always move it to our cloud. Try it and see!

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