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How To Change/Install Drupal Themes?

Drupal is a highly flexible and effective content management system (CMS). It enables users to develop websites with great customization and flexibility. One of its main advantages is that it can apply themes that define the website's look and structure.

A theme in Drupal refers to a design that can transform the face of your site without changing its functionality.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to alter or add Drupal themes through the following process:


Before you begin, ensure you have: 

- Administrative access to your Drupal site

- Backup your website to avoid data loss during the theme installation or change.

Step 1: Pick a Theme

- Look for themes in Drupal's official repository.

- Visit

- Browse the available themes.

- You can filter themes based on various criteria, such as:

- Popularity

- Maintenance status,

- Compatibility with your Drupal version

- Alternatively, you can find themes on third-party websites.

- Ensure these themes are compatible with your Drupal version and are from reputable sources to avoid security risks.

Step 2: Download the Theme

- If you are using a theme from Drupal’s official repository, you can download it directly from the site.

- Copy the URL of the theme’s .tar.gz or .zip file.

- Download the file to your computer. It is typically compressed (e.g., .zip or .tar.gz).

Step 3: Install the Theme

There are two main methods to install a theme in Drupal:

Method 1: Using the Admin Interface

- Log in to your Drupal site as an administrator.

- Go to the admin toolbar and click on “Extend”.

- Click on “Install new theme”.

- If you copied the theme file's URL,

Paste it into the “Install from a URL” section.

Click “Install.”

- Alternatively,

Click “Choose File” to upload the theme file from your computer 

Click “Install.”

Method 2: Manual Installation

1. Unzip or untar the theme file you downloaded.

2. Upload the extracted theme folder to your Drupal installation's `/themes` directory. You can accomplish it via an FTP client or your hosting provider's file manager.

3. Ensure the theme files have the right permissions.

Step 4: Enable and Set the Theme as Default

1. In the admin toolbar, go to “Appearance”.

2. Locate the newly installed theme in the list of available themes.

3. Click the “Install and set as default” button next to the theme. This will make it the active theme for your site.

Step 5: Configure the Theme

1. Configure the theme to suit your needs.

2. Go to “Appearance”

3. Click “Settings” next to the active theme.

4. Depending on the theme, you might have various customization options, such as:

- Logo upload

- Colour schemes

- Layout settings

5. After making modifications, click “Save configuration” to apply the settings.

Step 6: Clear Cache

To ensure that the new theme settings take effect properly, clear your Drupal cache:

- Navigate to Configuration > Development > Performance.

- Click “Clear all caches”.

Step 7: Review Your Site

- Finally, review your site to ensure the theme works correctly and all elements are displayed as expected.

- Check different pages, devices, and browsers to verify the consistency of your site’s appearance.

To Sum it Up!

Switching or adding a theme in Drupal is easy and greatly enhances your site's look. As described above, one can effectively choose, apply and customize a theme to establish a professional and visually appealing Web presence. Always back up your site before making significant changes, and choose actively maintained and supported themes to ensure compatibility with future Drupal updates.

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