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How to lease IPv4 address

The shortage in available IPv4 addresses has led to leasing of an IPv4 address as the strategy becomes common. Many organizations want to extend the networks or add new users; for this purpose, they require new IP addresses. This means that it is possible for businesses to obtain these addresses in the short run through leasing without having to own the addresses. This article covers all aspects of leasing an IPv4 address and therefore will come in handy for anyone interested in leasing an IPv4 address.

Step 1: Understand Your Needs

To lease or not to lease is the question therefore it is important to have a clear idea of what is needed prior to the commencement of the leasing process. Consider the following factors:

Number of Addresses Needed: Ok, the next step you need to take is, decide how many IP addresses you need. It can range from one IP address to thousands of IP addresses depending on the needs of an organization.

Lease Duration: Determine the period of time in which you will require the addresses. These are renewable agreements which can last for three months, six months and up to three years or more.

Purpose of Use: Determine the incentive for leasing. It could be for growing your contacts, adding a new project or provision for users’ traffic surge.

By knowing these parameters one will be in a position to secure a leasing style that favors him or her.

Step 2: Identify a Reputable Broker or Provider

After realizing your needs, come to the next step, which is to find a reliable broker or provider, who offers IPv4 leasing services. You can check the providers on the Internet, or in case you are interested in purchasing an IP address, there are companies that are engaged in such services as brokers. These are mostly large organizations and usually have records of available IP addresses which would assist in qualifying you for the LESSEE position.

Look for a provider or broker with:Look for a provider or broker with:

A Good Reputation: One should look for the reviews and testimonials on the provider to assess the amount of credibility in the provider.

Transparent Pricing: They should make sure that all the fees chargeable to leasing are well illustrated and there are no other additional fees apart from those mentioned.

Compliance with Regulations: Ensure that the provider complies with all legal requirements on leasing of IP addresses in the specific regional as well as internationally.

Step 3: Negotiate Lease Terms

The next step that comes after having identified a potential lessor is to come to an agreement on the terms of the lease. Consider the following aspects during negotiation

Lease Duration: Make sure the lease begins and ends at the right time and must also coincide with your situation.

Pricing and Payment Terms: , determine leasing fee to be paid either as a lump sum or periodically in instances where leasing is done in installments in line with the agreed lease period.

Renewal Options: Talk about the ways in which time can be made regarding renewal of the lease after the expiry of the contract. As for some forms of the contracts, they are subject to automatic renewals while others may need to be renegotiated.

Compliance and Legal Considerations: Make sure that both the parties set and agree on the mutual adherence to the policies and regulations of the usage of IP addresses under the RIRs.

Step 4: Sign the Lease Agreement

Once you have agreed on the various conditions about the lease, a legal binding contract will be inked. This document should include:

Detailed Information: Be very specific with the IP addresses that one is leasing out, the time frame of the lease as well as the mode of payment that has been agreed on.

Responsibilities of Each Party: Elaborate on the nature of the commitment that the lessor and the lessee have to fulfill, terms regarding breach of contract or termination of the lease before the agreed on period of time.

Compliance Clauses: Add clauses herein that binds both the parties to the aforesaid RIR policies and legal requirements.

It is advised to read the agreement thoroughly before signing to avoid some controversies which may be contained in the document.


Leasing an IPv4 address is also cheaper for the businesses, which want to expand their network resources and do not want to buy them. By following the above steps, any organization can lease IPv4 addresses and at the same time meet all legal and/or regulatory requisites.

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