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Learn to enable LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress

To enable LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress, follow these steps:

1. Install LiteSpeed Cache Plugin:

Go to your WordPress dashboard.

Navigate to Plugins > Add New.

Search for "LiteSpeed Cache".

Click Install Now, then Activate.

2. Configure LiteSpeed Cache:

After activation, go to LiteSpeed Cache in the left sidebar of your dashboard.

You’ll find various settings. Start with the General Settings to enable caching.

3. Enable Cache:

In the General tab, toggle the Enable Cache option to ON.

Adjust other settings as necessary, such as cache TTL (Time to Live) and whether to cache mobile devices.

4. Optimize Settings:

Navigate through the Cache, CDN, and Optimization tabs to customize settings for minification, combination of CSS/JS files, and image optimization.

Enable settings based on your needs.

5. Purge Cache:

After making changes, go to LiteSpeed Cache > Manage and click Purge All to clear the existing cache.

6. Test Your Site:

Visit your website to ensure everything is working correctly. Use tools like GTmetrix or Google PageSpeed Insights to evaluate performance.

7. Regular Maintenance:

Periodically check LiteSpeed Cache settings and clear cache as needed, especially after updates or content changes.

By following these steps, you can successfully enable and configure LiteSpeed Cache for your WordPress site, enhancing its performance.

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