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How to Use Webuzo to Improve a WordPress Site’s Search URL Slug?

If you run a WordPress website, then you must be well acquainted with the need to have clean and search engine-friendly URL slugs. Having an SEO-friendly URL slug will certainly help you to get a better result from the search engines as it will make it more understandable what your pages are about. Apart from that, it makes the URLs of your site convenient to human visitors, enabling them to navigate to it much easier.

WordPress URL slugs by titles stack on the post or page by default. The same instruction applies to the URLs that contain the default slugs, not necessarily SEO-friendly. They may be long, contain stop words like "a", "the" or have a sin bol other which makes them less perfect.

Luckily, the best way to optimize your site's search URL slugs has been shown in that Webuzo control panel's way. WeBuzo is a widely used web hosting panel solution, which simplifies and streamlines server administration. Here is the guide; to understanding how to use Webuzo to gain value from your WordPress URL slugs.

Installing the WordPress Permalinks Customizer Plugin

Plugin installation occurs on the first step of this process using uploading the plugin named WordPress Permalinks Customizer on your website. This free plugin gives you extra choice on managing your slug structure.

  1. Login to your Webuzo dashboard and then click on the section titled WordPress Manager.

  2. Look for and click on the "WordPress Plugins" under your WordPress installation.

  3. Search for "Permalinks Customizer" and install the plugin.

  4. Activate the plugin after installation is complete.

Configuring the Plugin Settings

With the plugin installed, you can now configure it to customize your permalink slugs as desired.

  1. On the Settings > Permalink Customizer page of the WordPress admin dashboard, you can find the option.

  2. The plugin is aimed at giving a wide diversity of personalization options. You will see a column for "Permalink Base" if you go down to URL slugs.

Some common ways to optimize slugs include:

  • Removing stop words like "a", "the", etc.

  • Setting a maximum slug length

  • Automatically adding your keyword to slugs

  • Removing dates from slugs for timeless posts

  • Adding custom slug prefixes or suffixes

  1. Try it on and set it depending on your choices, observing it update the visuals immediately in real-time.

  2. Click "Save changes" to confirm you input all necessary information on the slug structure.

This plugin will plausibly adapt the new permalink structure to all the previous posts and pages you have as well as any future articles.

Additional URL Optimization Tips

While the Permalinks Customizer plugin is a great tool for slug optimization, there are some other steps you can take to improve your overall URL structure:

Clean up Attachment URLs

By default, WordPress appends ugly strings to attachment URLs (e.g. /?attachment_id=123). You can clean these up in Webuzo's Apache Configuration File Editor:

  1. Go to Apache Configuration > Configuration File Editor

  2. Add the following code to remove attachment ID from URLs:

RewriteEngine On

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/?attachments/(.+)/(.+)$ [NC]

RewriteRule ^/?attachments/(.+)/(.+)$ /%1/%2 [R=301,L]

  1. Commit the changes. After that start the Apache for your changes will be applied.

Remove Category Base

The current way to structure the URL of a WordPress in default is with "/category/" before the category URL (e.g. Below the step for removing this, please go to Settings → Permalinks in your WordPress admin area and choose "Custom Structure". Then enter "/%category%/%postname%/" in the available field.

This gives you cleaner category URLs like

Optimize Author URLs

Author name-based URLs ( aren't great for SEO. You can optimize these under Settings > Permalinks by selecting "Custom Structure" and entering "/%postname%/".

Redirect Old URLs

In the end, if you have changed the WordPress permalink structure, definitely use a 301 redirect to prevent the old URLs from appearing on a 404 page from appearing. The plugin by Redirection, which is free, accomplishes such a task.

With the tips above, you can fully leverage the power of Webuzo and WordPress to create SEO-friendly, easy-to-remember URLs across your entire site. This helps improve rankings and provides a better user experience overall.

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