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How to Export and Import Database Dumps in Plesk?

Plesk is a top-choice­ web hosting control panel for managing we­bsites, servers, and database­s. Handling database dumps, including both exporting and importing them, is a vital part of this. Be­cause this is how we backup data, move database­s from one server to anothe­r, or bring back old data using a backup. 


In this piece, we're­ guide you on how to export and import these database­ dumps using Plesk.


1. Exporting Database Dumps

When you export a database dump, you produce a file that contains your database's structure and contents. This file can be used for backups or to move the database to another server.

Steps to export a database dump:

a. First, sign into your Plesk control pane­l. 

b. Find your way to the "Databases" section. 

c. Se­arch for the database you nee­d to export.

d. Click on the "Export Dump" button or link associated with the chosen database.

e. Choose your export options:

   - Select the tables you want to export (or choose "All tables" for a complete dump).

   - Decide whether to include table structures, data, or both.

   - Choose the dump file format (usually SQL).

f. Click "OK" or "Export" to start the export process.

g. Once complete, you'll be prompted to download the dump file to your local machine.


Best practices for exporting:

- Schedule regular automated backups to ensure you always have recent database dumps.

- Use descriptive filenames for your dumps, including the database name and date.

- Store dumps in a secure location, preferably off-site or in cloud storage.

- Compress large dump files to save storage space and reduce transfer times.


2. Importing Database Dumps

Importing a database dump allows you to restore a previously exported database or migrate data from another source into your Plesk-managed database.


Steps to import a database dump:

a. Log in to your Plesk control panel.

b. Navigate to the "Databases" section.

c. Select the target database for import (or create a new one if necessary).

d. Click on the "Import Dump" button or link associated with the chosen database.

e. Choose the import method:

   - Upload a dump file from your local machine.

   - Specify a URL where the dump file is located.

   - Use a dump file already present on the server.

f. Select the appropriate character set and collation if prompted.

g. Click "OK" or "Import" to begin the import process.

h. Wait for the import to complete. The time required depends on the size of the dump file.


Best practices for importing:


- Always create a backup of the target database before importing, in case you need to revert changes.

- Ensure that the dump file is compatible with your database version and type.

- For large imports, consider using command-line tools or phpMyAdmin for better performance and control.

- Verify the imported data after the process completes to ensure integrity.


3. Using Command-Line Tools

For advanced users or when dealing with large databases, Plesk also provides command-line access to database management tools. These tools often offer more flexibility and better performance for importing and exporting large dumps.


Exporting via command line (MySQL example):


mysqldump -u [username] -p [database_name] > [dump_file.sql]


Importing via command line (MySQL example):


mysql -u [username] -p [database_name] < [dump_file.sql]


Replace [username], [database_name], and [dump_file.sql] with your specific details.


4. Troubleshooting Common Issues

When exporting or importing database dumps in Plesk, you may encounter some common issues:


a. File size limitations: Plesk or your server may have restrictions on the maximum file size for uploads. For large dumps, consider splitting the file or using command-line tools.


b. Timeout errors: Long-running imports or exports may exceed PHP time limits. Adjust these limits in your PHP configuration or use command-line tools to avoid this issue.


c. Permissions problems: Ensure that the Plesk user has the necessary permissions to read from or write to the relevant directories.


d. Incompatible dump formats: Make sure the dump file is compatible with your database type and version. For example, MySQL 8 dumps may not import correctly into MySQL 5.7 without modifications.


e. Character set mismatches: If you encounter garbled text after import, check that the character set specified during import matches the one used in the dump file.


Security Considerations


When working with database dumps, keep these security tips in mind:


- Use strong, unique passwords for your databases and Plesk account.

- Encrypt sensitive dump files, especially when transferring them over the network.

- Regularly review and revoke unnecessary database user privileges.

- Monitor database access logs for any suspicious activity.

- Keep your Plesk installation and database software up to date to patch security vulnerabilities.



It's simple to e­xport and import database records in Plesk, e­ither using the web inte­rface or command-line tools. Regular backups, take­n by database dumps, provide vital data protection and e­ase migration. By carefully following the ste­ps and suggested strategie­s in this write-up, you'll find managing your databases in Plesk a bre­eze. It helps maintain the­ integrity and accessibility of your web app data. Te­st your backup and restore routines fre­quently to make sure the­y perform when nee­ded. Correct database manage­ment is key to kee­ping your Plesk-hosted web applications in top shape­ and safe.


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