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What is the Difference Between Managed and Unmanaged Cloud?

Managed and Unmanaged Cloud


The cloud computing offers a wide range of services and deployment models, including:

- Public clouds

  - Private clouds

  - Hybrid clouds

One of the crucial choices that organizations are required to make is whether to opt for managed or unmanaged cloud services. It impacts everything from cost and control to security and support.  The next section discusses the main distinctions between these two. This will assist you in identifying the right match for your organization.

Managed Cloud

Managed Cloud

Managed cloud services are a set of IT solutions and services that an external vendor oversees and maintains for an organization. This management covers a wide range of tasks, including: 


- Infrastructure setup

- Maintenance

- Monitoring

- Security

The first objective is to guarantee that the cloud environment runs effectively. It should be protected from threats while involving the client to a small extent.

Benefits of Managed Cloud

Benefits of Managed Cloud

Expert Support

The managed cloud providers are always available with technical support from experienced IT personnel. This support can be very helpful in solving problems and avoiding long periods with no work.


Managed services often include robust security measures, such as:


- Firewalls

- Intrusion detection systems

- Regular security audits


Providers stay updated with the latest security threats and compliance requirements.


Managed cloud solutions are highly scalable. It allows businesses to easily adjust resources based on their needs without worrying about underlying infrastructure constraints.


While managed services can be more expensive upfront, they often result in cost savings over time due to: 

- Reduced downtime

- Efficient resource management

- Avoidance of hiring in-house IT staff

Focus on Core Business

Outsourcing relieves the organization of managing its IT needs. It allows them to concentrate on the business and its objectives rather than worrying about the complex specifics of IT.

Unmanaged Cloud

Benefits of Managed Cloud

On the other hand, unmanaged cloud services provide the raw infrastructure without any additional management or support services. The client is responsible for all aspects of cloud management, including: 

- Setting up

- Configuring

- Maintaining the infrastructure

Benefits of Unmanaged Cloud

Benefits of Unmanaged Cloud

Greater Control

Unmanaged cloud services provide full control over the infrastructure. Organizations can customize their environment according to specific needs and preferences.


Initially, unmanaged cloud services can be less expensive than managed services because you only pay for the infrastructure. However, costs can accumulate if extensive management and maintenance are required.


Organizations can implement any software, tools, or configurations they prefer without restrictions imposed by a managed service provider.

Learning and Development

Having your own cloud infrastructure also benefits the in-house IT teams, allowing them to gain experience and knowledge and grow.

Key Differences

To better understand the distinction between managed and unmanaged cloud services, consider the following comparison table:


Advanced security features included

Basic security; up to the client to manage


Easily scalable with provider's assistance

Scalability depends on client's capability


Higher upfront cost; cost-effective over time

Lower initial cost; potential high ongoing costs


Limited control; managed by provider

Full control; managed by client


Provider handles all maintenance

Client responsible for maintenance


Limited by provider's offerings

Highly customizable by client

IT Staff Requirements

Minimal in-house IT required

Requires a skilled in-house IT team


Provider ensures compliance

Client responsible for compliance


Automatically handled by provider

Client must manage updates

Which is Right for You?

managed cloud

Managed and unmanaged cloud services are two broad categories of cloud services, and the choice between them depends on numerous factors

Managed Cloud

It is suitable for businesses that may not have IT departments or specializations or those that would rather contract out their IT needs. Managed services are especially helpful for small—to medium-sized companies that require extensive support but cannot afford to employ an internal IT department.

Unmanaged Cloud

This option is appropriate for organizations with a competent IT department to handle the infrastructure. It is also suitable for organizations that require complete control over the environment and can manage all the related tasks. Unmanaged cloud services are used by large enterprises with huge IT infrastructure and those who have unique customization requirements.

To Sum it Up!


Managed and unmanaged cloud services offer different support, control, and cost implications. Managed cloud services provide comprehensive management and support, making them ideal for businesses seeking ease of use and robust security. Unmanaged cloud services offer greater control and customization at a potentially lower initial cost but require significant IT expertise and resources. By carefully assessing your organization's needs and capabilities, you can choose the cloud hosting service model that best aligns with your strategic goals.

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