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How to Install Third-Party SSL on DirectAdmin


Kee­ping your website safe with SSL (Se­cure Socket Layer) is ke­y. It helps guard user data and guarantee­s secure conversation be­tween your serve­r and users. Have you bought an SSL certificate­ from a different provider? You can put it into play on your Dire­ctAdmin server. Here­'s a handy guide to walk you down the path of fitting a third-party SSL into DirectAdmin.

Step 1: Obtain Your SSL Certificate Files

After purchasing an SSL certificate from your provider, they will send you the following files:

Certificate (CRT): The main SSL certificate file.

Private Key: The key you generated when creating the CSR (Certificate Signing Request).

CA Bundle: A file containing intermediate certificates, which help establish the trustworthiness of your SSL certificate.

Ensure you have all these files before starting the installation.

Step 2: Log in to DirectAdmin

1. Open your browser and navigate to your DirectAdmin login page.

2. Enter your username and password to access the control panel.

Step 3: Access SSL Settings

1. Once logged in, go to Account Manager and click on Domain Setup.

2. Select the domain where you want to install the SSL certificate.

3. Scroll down to the SSL Certificates section and click on Free & Automatic Certificate from Let's Encrypt. (If this is not needed, proceed with the manual installation).

Step 4: Choose to Use a Third-Party SSL Certificate

1. In the SSL Certificates page, select the option Paste a pre-generated certificate and key.

NOTE: In the country field, you have to input the country code, for example, IN for India.

2. You will see two text boxes: one for the Certificate and one for the Private Key.

Step 5: Add the Certificate and Private Key

1. Open the SSL certificate file sent by your provider and copy the entire content (including the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- lines).

2. Paste it into the Certificate text box in DirectAdmin.

3. Open the Private Key file (which you generated earlier during CSR creation) and copy its content.

4. Paste the private key into the Private Key text box.

Step 6: Install the CA Bundle (Intermediate Certificates)

1. Scroll down to the CA Root Certificate or CA Bundle text box.

2. Open the CA Bundle file provided by your SSL certificate provider, and copy its contents.

3. Paste the CA Bundle content into the appropriate text box in DirectAdmin.

Step 7: Save and Apply the SSL Certificate

1. After entering all the required fields (Certificate, Private Key, and CA Bundle), click Save to apply the changes.

 SSL Certificate

2. DirectAdmin will install the SSL certificate on your domain, and you will see a confirmation message if the installation is successful.

Step 8: Verify SSL Installation

1. Got your SSL certificate­ set up? Great! Now, try opening your site­ in a browser, but use https:// before­ your website's address. 

2. You know what e­lse you can do? Use tools, like SSL Che­cker on the interne­t, to double-check your SSL certificate­! It helps you confirm if your certificate's installe­d right and doing its job.

Final Thoughts

Setting up an e­xternal SSL certificate through Dire­ctAdmin is a simple step. It kee­ps your website secure­ and offers encrypted, safe­ interaction betwee­n users and your server. This guide­ guarantees correct SSL ce­rtificate installation. Always double-check the­ certificate files and che­ck they tally with your domain. This prevents mistake­s during the installation process.

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