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How to Clear Cache in Laravel

Cache in Laravel

Laravel is one of the most used frameworks based on PHP, and it has an elegant syntax and powerful tools. Cache management is one of the most critical aspects of managing a Laravel application. Caching is a procedure used to store information for a short period. It enhances the response time and speed of the application since the number of computations and database queries are minimized. However, there are cases where it is necessary to clean the cache to have the most updated data for your application.

This tutorial will explain all the possible methods to clear the cache in Laravel.

Understanding Cache in Laravel

Understanding Cache in Laravel

Laravel provides a unified API for numerous caching systems. Laravel is pre-configured to use a file cache driver where the serialized, cached objects are stored in the filesystem. However, other cache drivers are available, such as:

- database,

- memcached

- redis

- dynamodb


Types of Cache in Laravel

Types of Cache in Laravel

1. Application Cache

Stores data that your application frequently uses. Thus lowering the requirement to fetch data from the database repeatedly.

2. Route Cache

Compile all the routes in your application into a single file to speed up route registration.

3. Configuration Cache

Compiles all the configuration files into a single file. Thus speeding up configuration loading.

4. View Cache

Caches the compiled Blade templates.

Clearing Cache in Laravel

Clearing Cache in Laravel

Clearing cache in Laravel is straightforward and can be done using various commands provided by the Artisan command-line interface. Below are the different types of cache and how to clear them.

Clearing Application Cache

The application cache stores general data that your application might need. To clear the application cache, use the following Artisan command:

php artisan cache:clear

This command will clear all the cached data stored by the application. It’s useful when you want to ensure that your application is using the most recent data.

Clearing Route Cache

Clear route cache laravel is a great optimization feature, especially for larger applications. However, during development, you may need to clear the route cache to reflect or modify new routes. Use the following command to clear route cache laravel:

php artisan route:clear

To create a fresh route cache file, you can use the command:


php artisan route:cache


This will compile all your routes into a single file loaded on each request.


Clearing Configuration Cache

Laravel allows you to cache your configuration files to speed up the loading process. This is particularly useful in production environments. To clear the configuration cache, use:


php artisan config:clear

To cache the configuration files again, use:


php artisan config:cache


Clearing the configuration cache is essential when you change your environment files (.env) or configuration files.


Clearing View Cache

Laravel compiles your Blade templates into plain PHP code and caches them for improved performance. To clear the compiled view files, use:


php artisan view:clear


This command is useful when you make changes to your Blade templates and want to ensure that the changes are reflected immediately.

Programmatically Clearing Cache

Sometimes, you might want to clear the cache programmatically from within your application. Laravel provides methods to do this.


Clearing Cache Using Cache Facade

The Cache facade provides various methods to interact with the cache. To clear the entire cache, you can use:


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cache;



This method clears all cached data, similar to the cache:clear Artisan command.

Clearing Specific Cache Items

Sometimes, you should clear specific cache items rather than the entire cache. You can do this using the forget method:




This method removes the cache item associated with the specified key.

Clearing Cache in a Production Environment

Clearing cache in a production environment requires caution. Ensuring clearing the cache does not interfere with the user experience or the application should be significant. The best thing to do is perform cache clearing during non-business hours or maintenance time.


Using Maintenance Mode

Laravel provides a maintenance mode feature to safely perform operations like clearing cache in a production environment. To enable maintenance mode, use:


php artisan down


After clearing the cache, you can bring the application back up using:


php artisan up


This ensures users do not experience interruptions or errors while clearing the cache.

To Sum it Up!

Managing the cache effectively is crucial for the performance and reliability of your Laravel application hosting. Whether you're clearing the application, route, configuration, or view cache, Laravel provides simple and efficient commands to handle these tasks. Additionally, programmatically clearing the cache allows for more granular control. This way, you can ensure that your application is equipped with updated data.

Now that you know how to clear cache in Laravel, you can continue with your development flow with minimal interruptions. It ensures that changes are reflected promptly and performance is optimized. Remember to handle cache clearing carefully in production environments to avoid any potential disruptions.

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