Laravel Hosting

Laravel Hosting

Best Hosting for Laravel Built for Effortless Scalability

Cyfuture Cloud's managed Laravel hosting empowers developers with agility and unparalleled control, ensuring applications scale seamlessly to meet evolving demands.

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Tailored Best Hosting For Laravel in the Cloud

Are you launching your Laravel app? Our cloud solutions make managed Laravel hosting straightforward, scalable, and economical for developers. Customize server environments to align precisely with your needs using our flexible Droplets - developer-friendly virtual private servers. Scaling up or down happens effortlessly as requirements evolve.

To simplify application management beyond servers, we provide a comprehensive toolkit - managed databases, load balancing, domain services, and an intuitive control panel. Our extensive documentation guides seamless Laravel deployments, letting you focus on innovation while we oversee infrastructure. Experience cloud hosting that integrates tightly with Laravel's capabilities to streamline development cycles.

Cyfuture Cloud's cloud solutions are tailored to align with Laravel's requirements, providing flexible Droplet VPS offerings that enable developers to customize and scale server environments precisely per their application needs. An extensive ecosystem of supporting services like managed databases, load balancing, and domain management simplifies application lifecycle oversight. Complemented by comprehensive documentation guiding seamless Laravel deployments, our cloud platform integrates tightly with the best Laravel hosting capabilities to foster a truly developer-focused experience centered around rapid innovation while handling infrastructure complexities.

Stay On Top With Our Laravel Hosting Technical Specification

Web Servers

Web Servers

  • Nginx
  • Apache
PHP Versions

PHP Versions

  • PHP 8.1
  • PHP 8.0
  • PHP 7.4
  • Switch PHP versions with one click


  • MySQL 8.0, 5.7
  • PostgreSQL 13
  • Redis
  • MariaDB
Application Stack

Application Stack

  • Laravel 9.x
  • Composer
  • Node.js
  • Git


  • SSH and SFTP access
  • Deploy via Git push
  • Server access logs
  • Performance metrics
Performance Optimizations

Performance Optimizations

  • PHP OPcache
  • Redis object caching
  • Brotli compression
  • HTTP/2 support
Storage & Networking

Storage & Networking

  • SSD Storage
  • CDN Integration
  • Dedicated IP


  • Free SSL certificates
  • SSH access
  • IP whitelisting
  • Web application firewall (WAF)
Scaling & High Availability

Scaling & High Availability

  • Horizontal scaling
  • Redundant servers
  • Load balancing
  • Auto-healing

Cyfuture Cloud Perspective: Laravel Hosting

At Cyfuture Cloud, we aim to empower Laravel developers with the tools and infrastructure they need to build and scale exceptional applications. We understand the unique requirements of the Laravel ecosystem and have tailored our services accordingly.

Our best hosting for Laravel solutions provides fully managed, high-performance environments optimized for seamless integration with Laravel. We eliminate infrastructure complexity from custom LEMP stacks and pre-configured services like Redis and Elasticsearch to flexible resource scaling and intelligent auto-provisioning. By automating operational tasks, our platform allows you to concentrate solely on writing innovative Laravel code.

With Cyfuture Cloud, experience the best Laravel hosting partner committed to the Laravel community. Our plans come bundled with expert support from engineers familiar with PHP application development. Round-the-clock assistance, comprehensive documentation, and a complete ecosystem of cloud services ensure you always have the resources to iterate quickly. Rest assured, as your applications grow; they remain protected by enterprise-grade security backing them.

The perspective focuses on Cyfuture Cloud's deep expertise with the Laravel framework, fully optimized managed environments, extensive automation capabilities, expert support, cloud services ecosystem, and scalable, secure infrastructure. Please let me know if you need any clarification or have additional suggestions to incorporate.

Why Choose Cyfuture Cloud For Laravel Hosting?

At Cyfuture Cloud, we provide fully optimized and managed Laravel hosting environments to accelerate innovation. Our platform is tailored specifically for best Laravel hosting, providing pre-configured LEMP stacks and integrated services like Redis and Elasticsearch. This ensures seamless integration and optimal performance for your Laravel applications out-of-the-box. You can launch code rapidly without infrastructure headaches with one-click deployments onto pre-tuned servers backed by intelligent auto-scaling.

As a Laravel specialist, we are deeply committed to the developer experience. Our platform streamlines workflows through Git-based deployments, SSH access, and automated DevOps capabilities. Complementing this are extensive documentation resources and 24/7 expert assistance from engineers intimately familiar with Laravel—experience frictionless development cycles backed by unparalleled support. Your applications gain enterprise-grade reliability and security inherited from our high availability architecture, managed security services, and automated self-healing.

Beyond optimized hosting, Cyfuture Cloud delivers a rich supporting ecosystem of managed cloud services, including databases, load balancing, domains, and more. Our mission is to be an end-to-end cloud partner providing all the resources necessary as your Laravel applications successfully grow and scale. With us handling infrastructure complexities, you gain laser focus to accelerate development velocity. Embrace the freedom to build innovative solutions on the most developer-friendly best hosting for Laravel cloud platform.

Our Advanced Feature Offerings

  • Free Migrations

    Migrating your application from the shared hosting platform has no challenges. Let us take care of the job for you with our qualified personnel. No downtime, cost-free and your live site will not be compromised.

  • SSD Hosting

    SSD becomes a good option for your store because the data transfer rate is way faster with SSD than in a conventional storage solution.

  • SSL Certificate

    Enhance security Laravel application.Enhance your overall credibility. Our Laravel web hosting service is provided with a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate of quality for free.

  • Built-in Caches

    The in-built caching like Memcached, Varnish, and Redis rare all speed up stores and cut down on the load of database.

  • SSD NVMe Storage

    Our standby technology is the SSD NAMe storage that has page load speeds up to 20x faster than the normal SATA drives. With this arrangement, you will realize a continuous powerful delivery.

  • Malware Scan & Removals

    We are aware of how hard it is for the website owners when faced with the hacked websites. You can be sure you won't have troubles anymore. Great job, kudos to the malware scan and removal tool that keeps your site safe from viruses!

  • Optimized Stack

    If you need to feel the power, you can use our high performance stack that is based on Litespeed+Apache to process Laravel website/applications in a blink of an eye.

  • Breeze Plugin

    Cache we do with a deadly seriousness that is why developed our free, light-weight and feature-rich cache plugin that we pre-install for WooCommerce stores.

  • Powered by cPanel

    Make the most of a top choice and intuitive control panel to administrate your Laravel hosting account with ease. Establish and ran databases, upload and download files and a lot more.

  • Free Backups

    While some other businesses charge extra for this, we won’t. Free website backups included with hosting plans for Laravel to maintain the safety of your data. If you accidentally delete the data on our server, you can always get them back by restoring via the backups.

In India, Laravel hosting providers offer various hosting packages, but we are paramount.

  • Low bandwidth pricing

    Low bandwidth pricing

    Cyfuture Cloud, with rates starting from $4/month for our Droplet virtual machines, is a cost-effective cloud provider that includes generous bandwidth at no extra cost and provides affordable additional bandwidth pricing, which provides you with only the cloud resources you need.

  • Simplified management

    Simplified management

    CyFuture Cloud features an easy to use interface for the user to be able to manage security and billing seamlessly, cutting through the complexities in the administrative work and allowing you to have a problem-free web hosting experience.

  • Ease of use and control

    Ease of use and control

    Cyfuture Cloud is a product created for developers since developers are given the control that they need for their Drupal applications and systems without making a system too complex.

  • Scalability


    Scalability is one of the key features of Cyfuture Cloud infrastructure thus it allows you to easily adjust to day to day changes in traffic as well as resource demands as your blog grows and as your hosting needs are being shifted to other systems.

  • Root-level access

    Root-level access

    Root-level access is provided giving you access at the deepest system levels where you can modify configurations and then install different tools and software to prepare your site to be Drupal compatible.

  • Free-floating IP

    Free-floating IP

    Cyfuture Cloud is a developer-based platform that enables system and application control directly to the teams without increase of complexity.

  • Optimized Performance

    Optimized Performance

    Supercharge your website speed with Cyfuture Cloud's Laravel hosting. Despite Laravel's default caching absence, gain superior memory and database control for enhanced performance. Opt for Cyfuture Cloud's Laravel hosting for top-speed and SEO optimization, boosting your online presence.

  • Smooth Traffic Handling

    Smooth Traffic Handling

    Scale your business with Laravel hosting. Handle growing traffic efficiently with Laravel's message queue system for deferred email sending. Optimize tasks, enhance user experience, and reduce hosting costs for seamless website performance.

  • Unparalleled Flexibility

    Unparalleled Flexibility

    Unlock Laravel's full power with Cyfuture Cloud's managed hosting. Build dynamic websites effortlessly, from robust eCommerce platforms to professional B2B sites. Enjoy pre-installed authorization libraries for advanced features like password reset and encryption, along with seamless integration of third-party packages like Socialite for smooth social media login.

  • DevOps Integration

    DevOps Integration

    Streamline your development with Cyfuture Cloud’s Managed Laravel Hosting. Seamlessly integrate with top DevOps tools like Git, Jenkins, and GitLab. Accelerate software delivery and boost productivity with robust support and compatibility.

  • Artisan Command Line Interface

    Artisan Command Line Interface

    Unlock the full potential of Laravel with Cyfuture Cloud's managed hosting. Utilize Artisan's commands for automated tasks like code generation, database migrations, and unit testing. Streamline your workflow and enhance productivity effortlessly.

  • RESTful API Development

    RESTful API Development

    Cyfuture Cloud's Laravel hosting simplifies RESTful API development. Laravel offers a sleek framework for defining routes, managing requests and responses, and implementing authentication. Harness Laravel's power for scalable, secure APIs consumable by diverse client applications.

  • Real-time Communication

    Real-time Communication with WebSockets

    Cyfuture Cloud's Laravel hosting is managed putting at your disposal the integration of Laravel with WebSockets for quick server-client communication. Relay Pusher based broadcasting system by Laravel for shared chats, notifications, and dynamic updates. Enhance website localisation with real-time communication.

  • Task Scheduling

    Task Scheduling and Queues

    Cyfuture Cloud's Laravel hosting supports task scheduling and queues. The task scheduler automates recurring tasks like database cleanups and periodic emails. The queue system of Laravel allows to move to the background processes which are resource intensive, guaranteeing thereby the effective performance of the site.

  • Testing and Test-Driven Development

    Testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD)

    Cyfuture Cloud's managed Laravel hosting promotes testing and Test-Driven Development (TDD). Laravel offers a strong testing framework for unit, integration, and feature tests, ensuring application stability. With Cyfuture Cloud, seamlessly run tests and integrate them into your workflow for high-quality code and faster iterations.

  • Improved Security Measures

    Improved Security Measures

    Cyfuture Cloud's managed Laravel hosting prioritizes security, leveraging Laravel's renowned features like Bcrypt hashing for password protection. With user authentication and access restrictions, it fortifies your website against cyber threats, ensuring data safety and peace of mind.


  • SAP

    SAP Certified


    MEITY Empanelled


    HIPPA Compliant


    PCI DSS Compliant

  • CMMI Level

    CMMI Level V



  • ISO

    ISO 20000-1:2011

  • Cyber Essential Plus

    Cyber Essential Plus Certified

  • BS EN

    BS EN 15713:2009

  • BS ISO

    BS ISO 15489-1:2016



Laravel hosting Key Differentiators

  • Fully Optimized Laravel Stack
  • One-Click Laravel App Deployments
  • Uncompromised Developer Experience
  • Enterprise-Grade Reliability & Security
  • Laser Focus on Accelerated Development
  • Unmatched Cloud Services Ecosystem

Technology Partnership

  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership
  • Technology Partnership

Laravel hosting FAQs


If your site is currently hosted somewhere else and you need a better plan, you may always move it to our cloud. Try it and see!

Grow With Us

Let’s talk about the future, and make it happen!