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Setting Your PHP Settings in Command Line

To set your PHP settings via the command line, you can use the php.ini file, environment variables, or command-line options when executing a PHP script.

1. Using the php.ini File

You can edit the php.ini file to set your PHP configurations globally:

Locate your php.ini file:
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This command will show the path to the loaded configuration file.

2. Open the php.ini file in a text editor:
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3. Modify the settings as needed. For example, to change the memory_limit:

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4. Save the file and exit the editor.

5. Restart your web server or PHP service to apply the changes:
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2. Using Command-Line Options

You can override php.ini settings directly from the command line when running a PHP script using the -d option:

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3. Using Environment Variables

You can set PHP settings via environment variables for the current session:

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Or directly for a specific setting:

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This method is useful for temporary changes that don't require editing the php.ini file.

4. Using .user.ini (for Web Servers)

If you're configuring PHP for a web application, you can use a .user.ini file in the root directory of your application:

1. Create or edit the .user.ini file in your web root directory:
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2. The settings in .user.ini will be applied for the current directory and all its subdirectories.


php.ini file: Global settings.

Command-line options (-d): Temporary, script-specific settings.

Environment variables: Temporary, session-specific settings.

.user.ini: Directory-specific settings for web servers.

Pick the approach that fits you be­st. Consider if you need the­ alterations to affect eve­rything, be short-term, or apply just to a certain script or folde­r.

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