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How to Install CyberPanel? Know the Steps Here!

CyberPanel is your Ticket to Eye-Catching Web Servers CyberPanel can be the solution for ease of web server installation. The open-source, easily configurable LiteSpeed server technology serves as the foundation for the control panel. CyberPanel includes all the features one might want in a tool for web hosting, domain registration, and email service setup.


We'll take you step-by-step through the CyberPanel installation procedure in this blog.

What is CyberPanel?

OpenLiteSpeed, a web hosting control panel renowned for its scalability and performance, powers CyberPanel, an open-source application. Its web-based interface simplifies and streamlines server management. CyberPanel supports email, automated SSL, FTP, databases, and other services under one roof. It also speeds up webpages by using LiteSpeed's LSCache, which is a crucial component of faster website loading times.

Before diving into the installation- ensure your server meets the following requirements:

CentOS 7.x or 8.x, Ubuntu 18.04, or 20.04 (recommended OS, though it supports others as well).

A minimum of 1 GB RAM (2 GB or more is recommended for better performance).


At least 10 GB of disk space (more is better if you host multiple websites).


A clean operating system installation (existing software might interfere with CyberPanel).

Additionally, you should have root access to your server. This ensures you can install and configure all necessary components.

Step 1: Accessing Your Server

First, log in to your server via SSH. Use the following command from your terminal or SSH client, replacing your_server_ip with your actual server IP address:

ssh root@your_server_ip

Make sure you have your root password handy to log in successfully.

Step 2: Downloading and Running the Installation Script

CyberPanel offers an installation script that simplifies the entire process. Once logged in as root, run the following command to download and execute the script:

sh <(curl || wget -O -

This command checks if curl or wget is available on your system and uses it to download the script. The script then starts automatically.

Step 3: Going Through the Installation Options

After initiating the script, you'll be presented with several installation options:


Install CyberPanel with OpenLiteSpeed: Choose this for the free version.

Install Cyberpanel with LiteSpeed Enterprise: This is a paid version offering additional features..

Step 4: Setting Up Passwords and Admin Information

During the installation, you’ll be prompted to set a password for CyberPanel's admin panel. Choose a strong password, as this panel controls all aspects of your server.

You might also set up other parameters, like email settings, during the installation. Ensure each setting is correctly configured according to your requirements.

Step 5: Completing the Installation

Once all options are selected and set up, the installation will proceed. Depending on your server’s performance and internet speed, this might take a few minutes. During this time, CyberPanel installs all necessary components, such as PHP, MySQL, and OpenLiteSpeed.

After the installation completes, you will receive a message with the admin URL, usually https://your_server_ip:8090. You can log in to your CyberPanel dashboard using the admin credentials you set earlier.

Step 6: Post-Installation Steps

After installing CyberPanel, consider taking a few additional steps:

Secure your server: Implement firewalls and regular updates.

Set up websites: You can start adding domains and set up websites using the CyberPanel dashboard.

Configure email: Set up email accounts associated with your domains.

Final Words 

That’s it! Follow the above simple steps to install CyberPanel, but it has to be done carefully because if any step is skipped, then the installation process will not be successful. With the above three steps, you can have a high efficient web server running in minimum time. This setup not only helps with enhancing the performance of your website but also the decentralization of your web hosting setup makes it easier for newbies and experience your web hosting environment.

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