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How to Remove Password Protection for Directories in DirectAdmin


DirectAdmin use­s a unique feature to he­lp secure your files - password prote­ction for directories. This security tool ke­eps certain sections of your we­bsite away from prying eyes. In some­ cases, though, you might need to de­activate this safeguard. The guide­ below simplifies how you can turn off this password-linked prote­ction in DirectAdmin.

Step 1: Log in to DirectAdmin

1. Open your web browser and navigate to your DirectAdmin login page.

2. Enter your username and password to access the control panel.


Step 2: Access the File Manager or Domain Management

1. Once inside DirectAdmin, locate and click on File Manager if you want to manage the directories manually, or navigate to Advanced Features > Password Protected Directories to directly manage protected folders.

2. Select the domain for which you want to remove the password protection.

Step 3: Locate Password Protected Directories

1. The Password Prote­cted Directories are­a showcases a roster of directorie­s safeguarded with a password prese­ntly. 

2. Select the dire­ctory that you'd like to unprotect by removing its password.

 Password Protected Directories

Step 4: Remove the Password Protection

1. Once you've selected the directory, look for the Remove Protection option.

2. Click on Remove Protection or Remove Password Protection.

3. DirectAdmin will ask you to confirm the action. Click OK or Confirm to proceed.

Password Protection

Step 5: Verify the Changes

1. After you remove the password protection, verify that the directory is accessible without requiring a password.

2. Open a web browser and visit the directory’s URL to check if the protection has been successfully removed.

Step 6: Check .htaccess File (Optional)

1. If the password protection persists after following the above steps, the .htaccess file might still contain protection directives.

2. Go to the File Manager in DirectAdmin.

3. Navigate to the directory in question, locate the .htaccess file, and open it.

4. Look for any lines containing AuthType or AuthUserFile and remove those lines.

5. Save the changes to the .htaccess file.

Final Words

By following these steps, you can easily remove password protection for any directories in DirectAdmin. Remember to always ensure that sensitive data remains protected and be cautious when disabling this security feature. If you experience issues, double-check the .htaccess file or consult with your cloud hosting provider for further assistance.

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