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Website speed is critical in today’s digital landscape. Visitors anticipate swift page loads, and delays can drive them away, often permanently. To ensure your site performs at its peak, employing an advanced caching solution like Memcached is essential.
Memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory caching system designed to boost website speed by storing frequently requested data in memory. This approach minimizes the need for repetitive database queries, significantly enhancing your site's responsiveness.
To set up Memcached, you need:
A server or hosting environment where you have administrative access.
Basic knowledge of the command line interface.
A web application that you wish to accelerate using Memcached.
Installation is dependent on the operating system installed on the server. Here are the general procedures for common platforms.
Update the Package List:
sudo apt update
Install Memcached:
sudo apt install memcached
Verify Installation:
memcached -h
Install EPEL Repository (if not already installed):
sudo yum install epel-release
Install Memcached:
sudo yum install memcached
Verify Installation:
memcached -h
You can download the Memcached binary from the official website or use a package manager like Chocolatey for Windows.
Install Memcached Using Chocolatey:
choco install memcached
Verify Installation:
Open Command Prompt and run:
memcached -h
Configure Memcached to suit your needs. The default configuration file is usually located at
/etc/memcached.conf (Linux)
C:\memcached\memcached.conf (Windows).
Memory Usage: Define how much memory Memcached can use.
-m 64
This sets Memcached to use 64MB of memory. Adjust based on your server's capacity and needs.
Port: The port on which Memcached will listen (default is 11211).
-p 11211
Binding Address: Set the IP address to which Memcached will be bound.
Max Connections: Determine the highest simultaneous connections.
-c 1024
After editing the configuration file, restart Memcached to apply the changes.
sudo systemctl restart memcached
Install PHP Extension:
sudo apt install php-memcached
Verify Installation:
Create a PHP file with
Open it in a browser and look for the Memcached section.
Using Memcached in PHP:
$memcached = new Memcached();
$memcached->addServer('', 11211);
// Set a value
$memcached->set('key', 'value', 60); // 60 seconds expiry
// Get a value
$value = $memcached->get('key');
echo $value;
For Python applications, you can use the pymemcache library.
Install pymemcache:
pip install pymemcache
Using Memcached in Python:
from pymemcache.client import base
client = base.Client(('', 11211))
# Set a value
client.set('key', 'value', expire=60) # 60 seconds expiry
# Get a value
value = client.get('key')
For Node.js applications, you can use the memcached module.
Install memcached module:
npm install memcached
Using Memcached in Node.js
const Memcached = require('memcached');
const memcached = new Memcached('');
// Set a value
memcached.set('key', 'value', 60, function(err) {
if (err) console.error(err);
// Get a value
memcached.get('key', function(err, data) {
if (err) console.error(err);
Monitoring is crucial to ensuring it is running optimally. You can use tools or integrate with monitoring systems like
Using memcached-tool
Install the tool (if not already installed):
sudo apt install memcached-tools
Check the status:
memcached-tool stats
cPanel provides an easy interface to administer various aspects of your web hosting. While Memcached itself isn't managed directly through it, you can use it to control:
File configurations
It indirectly helps in managing Memcached.
To manage your Memcached settings:
If your hosting provider allows, use the Terminal feature in cPanel to execute commands directly on your server.
To manage PHP extensions related to Memcached, use the "PHP PEAR Packages" or "PHP Extensions and Applications Package" features in cPanel.
Setting up Memcached on your website involves:
Installing the software.
Configuring it to suit your needs.
Integrating it with your web application.
Proper configuration and monitoring are required to get the most out of your choice.
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