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How to Create Reseller Accounts on WHM cPanel?

WHM cPanel—an e­ffective tool used by we­b hosts to control servers and manage clie­nt accounts. It has a handy feature—the capability to se­t up reseller accounts. The­se allows you to pass hosting duties to others.

He­re's a guide to making rese­ller accounts on WHM cPanel. It includes ne­cessary steps, top tips, and points to ponder. 

What's a Re­seller Account?

A rese­ller account offers a way to sell hosting se­rvices under your brand. As a rese­ller, handle multiple cPane­l accounts for your clients, put resource caps, and tailor package­s. This benefit fits the bill for we­b designers, deve­lopers, or business-minded individuals ke­en to kickstart their own hosting ente­rprise.


- Access to a WHM cPanel server with administrative privileges

- Sufficient server resources to allocate to reseller accounts

- A clear understanding of your hosting plan's limitations and restrictions

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Reseller Account:

Step 1: Log in to WHM

Access your WHM interface using your root credentials or a user with the appropriate permissions.

Step 2: Navigate to Account Functions

In the left sidebar, locate and click on "Account Functions."

Step 3: Select "Add a New Account"

Under Account Functions, click on "Add a New Account" to open the account creation form.

Step 4: Fill in Account Details

- Domain Information:

  - Enter the primary domain name for the reseller account

  - Specify the username for the account (usually derived from the domain name)

 - Create a strong password or use the password generator

- Package:

 - Select an existing package or choose "Custom" to define resource limits manually

- Settings:

  - Enable the "Make this account a reseller" option

 - Set the ACL (Access Control List) for the reseller, defining their permissions

- DNS Settings:

 - Choose whether to use the server's main shared IP or assign a dedicated IP (if available)

- Mail Routing Settings:

 - Configure mail routing options as needed

Step 5: Resource Limits

If you selected a custom package, set the following limits:

- Disk space quota

- Monthly bandwidth limit

- Number of addon domains allowed

- Database limits

- Email account limits

Step 6: Feature List

Select the features you want to make available to the reseller. This may include:

- CGI access

- SSH access

- Cron jobs

- Ruby on Rails

- SSL/TLS support

Step 7: Locale Settings

Choose the appropriate language and locale settings for the reseller account.

Step 8: Create Account

Review all the settings and click "Create" to set up the reseller account.

Post-Creation Steps:

a) Provide Login Details:

Send the reseller their WHM and cPanel login credentials securely.

b) Configure Nameservers:

If the reseller will be using custom nameservers, assist them in setting these up.

c) Brand Customization:

Guide the reseller on how to customize their cPanel interface with their own branding.

d) Package Creation:

Show the reseller how to create hosting packages for their clients.

Best Practices for Managing Reseller Accounts:

a) Regular Monitoring:

Implement a system to monitor resource usage and account status regularly.

b) Clear Communication:

Establish clear channels of communication with your resellers for support and updates.

c) Security Measures:

Enforce strong password policies and encourage the use of two-factor authentication.

d) Backup Strategy:

Implement a robust backup solution for all reseller accounts and their clients.

e) Scalability:

Plan for growth by ensuring your server can handle increasing demands from reseller accounts.

f) Documentation:

Provide comprehensive documentation to resellers on using WHM and managing their clients.

Troubleshooting Common Issues:

a) Resource Overuse:

If a reseller exceeds their allocated resources, temporarily suspend the account and contact them to resolve the issue.

b) DNS Configuration:

Assist resellers with DNS-related problems, such as domain propagation or nameserver issues.

c) Email Delivery Issues:

Help resellers troubleshoot email problems, including spam filtering and deliverability concerns.

d) SSL Certificate Installation:

Guide resellers through the process of installing and managing SSL certificates for their clients.

Upgrading and Downgrading Reseller Accounts:

a) Upgrading:

To upgrade a reseller account, navigate to "Modify an Account" in WHM, select the account, and adjust the resource limits or change the package.

b) Downgrading:

Follow the same process as upgrading, but ensure that the new limits do not conflict with the reseller's current usage.

Terminating Reseller Accounts:

If necessary, you can terminate a reseller account by going to "Terminate an Account" in WHM. Be sure to:

- Backup all data associated with the account

- Notify the reseller in advance

- Provide options for data migration if applicable



Building and kee­ping track of reseller accounts with WHM cPane­l can boost your hosting firm or share tasks with reliable allie­s. This guide helps you do that - effe­ctively make and manage re­seller accounts and make it a bre­eze for rese­llers and their customers. Ke­ep in step with WHM cPanel's late­st updates and always polish your reselle­r management methods to de­liver top-notch service.

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