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How do you set up Email Notifications via cPanel/WHM?

Configuring the cPanel/WHM to send out emails is essential to server administrators who want to receive updates on critical issues regarding the server. This manual comprehensively explains setting up these notifications to ensure you get prompt alerts regarding server activities like account creation, resource limits, and other essential updates.


Importance of Email Notifications

Email notifications are crucial for maintaining server health and security. They allow administrators to:


  • Track Server Performance: Get notifications for memory usage, CPU load, and disk space to facilitate proactive management.

  • Monitor Account Actions: Receive alerts for new or updated accounts to oversee user activities easily.

  • Avoid Downtime: Possible issues can cause servers to go down and data to be lost, and with early alerts, such instances can be avoided. Easy-to-Follow Instructions on Email Alerts Configuration


Step-by-Step Guide to Set Up Email Notifications


Step 1: Log into WHM

  1. Log in to your WHM panel with your root account login information. You usually do this by going to

  2. After you sign in, you will see the WHM dashboard.


Step 2: Configure Basic Contact Information

  1. In the left navigation menu, click on "Server Configuration."

  2. Select "Basic WebHost Manager® Setup."

  3. Go to the tab labelled "Contact Information". Search for the section titled "Enter one or multiple email addresses to be contacted if any issues occur with this server."

  4. Please provide the email addresses where you would like to get the notifications. If you have multiple addresses, just be sure there is space between the phrases and use commas to separate them and the address (for example, [email protected], [email protected]).

  5. Scroll further and select "Save Changes." This action saves your contact information for notifications.


Step 3: Set Up Notification Preferences

  1. Return to the WHM home page by clicking on "Home."

  2. From the left navigation menu, select "Server Contacts."

  3. Click on "Contact Manager." This part lets you set up the notifications you'll get.


Step 4: Configure Notification Types and Priorities

  1. In the Contact Manager, you will see various notification types listed. Each type corresponds to different server events (e.g., account creation, exceeding memory limits).

  2. You can select the level of importance for each notification type from the "Receives" column. This menu lets you choose your preferred notification settings (e.g., Always, Only on Critical Events, Never).

  3. Select the "Notifications" tab to view various alert categories. You can allocate importance levels to different alerts by selecting from the dropdown menu in the "Importance" category.

  4. Modify as needed according to your personal preferences. Choose the alert categories that best match your server management requirements.

  5. Once you have set up the notification preferences, press the "Save" button to save the changes.


Step 5: Testing Your Notification Setup

  1. Consider simulating a server event to ensure that your email notifications are working correctly. This could be done by creating a test account or intentionally exceeding a resource limit (if it is safe).

  2. Monitor the email addresses you configured to confirm that notifications are received as expected.


Additional Considerations


Customizing Notification Templates

If you want to customize the content of your email notifications, WHM allows for some flexibility. You can modify notification templates to include specific information or branding. This is done through the /usr/local/cpanel/etc/icontact_templates/ directory, where you can find various templates for different alert types.


Regularly Update Email Addresses

Make sure that the email addresses you use for notifications are current. Periodically check and make necessary changes to ensure important alerts are noticed.


Monitor Spam Filters

Occasionally, email notifications can be found in spam folders. To avoid this issue, include your server's IP address or domain in your email allowlist, ensuring messages are sent to your inbox.




Enabling email notifications through cPanel/WHM is a simple procedure that can significantly improve your server management skills. By adhering to the steps provided, you can guarantee that you receive timely notifications of critical server events, enabling you to address server health and security issues quickly. Frequently checking your notification preferences and email addresses will assist you in monitoring server performance and problems, leading to a more dependable hosting environment.


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