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How To Manage Your VPS Server

VPS Server

Selecting an unmanaged virtual private server (VPS) entails significant accountability. While having the flexibility to configure it as you choose is good, you'll also need to know how to use the control panel and install some fundamental tools.

Fortunately, this kind of web server could be ideal for your requirements if the developers know what they're doing. To start administering your own VPS, you need only upload the necessary software and familiarise yourself with the server environment.

This tutorial will cover the fundamentals of managing your own VPS hosting. Now, let's get started!

Why You May Want to Manage Your Own VPS?

Running a server used to be a job for tech-savvy individuals. It was either you were one, or you hired one, which was usually not cheap. Fortunately, the web hosting sector recognized this obstacle fast and began creating platforms and solutions that made VPS management seem simple.

Since virtual servers already had a wide range of profitable use cases, this was excellent news for website owners:

Host a Custom-Built Solution—While most users find pre-made CMS products user-friendly, large companies frequently want a customized solution for their website. This requires absolute control over the server environment, which a VPS can easily ensure.


Run a Profitable Online Shop – You can host an e-commerce website with sufficient server resources if you have a dependable VPS package, which also lets you expand your resource use as your business expands. As a result, your client will enjoy a faster website and a more fluid browsing experience.


Set Up a Game Server—Online gaming is becoming more popular, and many gaming groups provide private servers for a more distinctive experience. Any popular game, such as CS: GO, Minecraft, or others, may be played on a virtual server, which has all the necessary components for a stable and quick connection. Deals on cloud VPS are frequently favored for the same reason. 


Handle Email Communication – For many firms, emails remain the primary means of communication. With VPS plans, you can easily secure a full server for your mailing requirements. You have the advantage of a secure connection, which works best when paired with certain anti-spam tools and filters.


Store Backups—Website backups are a crucial component of any security plan. In fact, many businesses dedicate an entire server to their data backup requirements. In this manner, your archives are stored somewhere safe that isn't connected to your live site.

How to Manage Your Own VPS 

Getting to know your own VPS management might take some time. Nevertheless, once you’re familiar with your new server, you’ll have absolute freedom for your website or web development projects. The following three tips will help you get the ball rolling.

1. Get to Know the Control Panel

The main control panel on your computer is where you will administer your server. You may obtain vital data, take control of the system, and exert authority over it (including IP information).

For example, here at Cyfuture Cloud we use SolusVM as the primary control panel for our unmanaged VPS accounts. This powerful program provides a convenient way to visit the console and switch your operating system:

It also allows you to examine disc space, memory use, and bandwidth, shut down, boot, and reboot your server and offers a range of logs and data that might be helpful for VPS management.

Log into your control panel to get started. The SolusVM interface will then appear, giving you access to all the tools you need to operate your server. For instance, bar graphs displaying the current bandwidth, virtual swap, memory, and disc consumption may be found on the Virtual Servers page.

You can also access the command line shell of your VPS through the serial console. This is a backup plan implemented in the event that other means of accessing your server are unavailable. If, for example, you accidentally block SSH access by setting a firewall rule, this feature will be especially helpful.

2. Manage Your Domain Name System (DNS) Server

The domain or domains you wish to run on your VPS should then be connected. To accomplish this, you must either have transferred your domains before you begin or have them registered with us.

With that complete, log in to your Customer Portal. After selecting My Domains, find the domain you want to take control of. Then, select Manage Domain:

You then need to configure your VPS's name servers. This is the program that will route domain traffic to the designated server. Visit Nameservers and use any of the following to do that:


After doing that, your domains may be used on your newly purchased VPS. If for any reason you ever need to manage them again, simply go to Management Tools and then Manage DNS.

Alternatively, you can configure your own name servers.If you do, we wouldn't advise it unless you have prior expertise administering DNS as you would be entirely in charge of keeping them up to date. On your VPS, you may install BIND or NSD to get started if this is your preferred solution.

3. Install the Software Applications You’ll Need

It's now time to install the programs that you intend to use. Different web hosts offer various interfaces for accomplishing this task.

For instance, we use software, which provides a control panel for easy installation and management of your applications. You can install a wide range of frameworks and apps with it:

Additionally, you may carry out certain administrative activities using our program. These include email, database, and DNS configuration management.

In terms of applications, a well-known firm develops and maintains our software. You may access this auto-installer program through your control panel. It offers simple access to a multitude of PHP classes and scripts, in addition to software packages that offer a wide range of functions, from social sharing and ad management to blogs and forums.

How Do You Maintain a VPS Server?

Although configuring your virtual server is a crucial initial step in the hosting process, maintaining it all afterward is still necessary. A thorough plan for server maintenance must be created, outlining how often each operation has to be completed. While certain tasks require weekly monitoring, others can be completed once a month or even once a year.

Your server maintenance plan will, of course, differ based on your project and its requirements, but it will normally include the following at the very least:


Security audits

Data backups

Software installation/removal and updates

Service monitoring

Hardware component replacement

Anti-spam and anti-malware configuration


Choosing a Managed VPS Plan

Naturally, you are not required to oversee a VPS alone. You can always opt for a managed plan to make things easier:

Ultimately, a managed plan allows you to concentrate on other facets of your company. Additionally, you won't need to worry about crashes or hackers since a team will be ready to intervene and resolve any problems that may arise.

Additionally, you will retain access to both the power of a VPS and cPanel management. Our Cyfuture Cloud support staff will always be keeping an eye on your server and will be prepared to take immediate action if an issue is found. They will also ensure that your VPS is operating efficiently and that your uptime rates are as high as possible.

Numerous of the most well-liked development software packages will also be pre-installed on your managed virtual private server. Among them are Apache, Node.js, and PHP. Naturally, you may install more ones as needed for your projects, thus managed VPS can be a good choice for both business owners and developers.

Cyfuture Cloud Managed VPS Services

Cyfuture Cloud is an innovative web host that focuses on managed VPS solutions. Driven by the goal of elevating the entire industry, Scala develops unique, in-house solutions for a personalized hosting experience.

Take SPanel, for example.

The cutting-edge hosting administration system provides all the features required to run a server and the various parts of your website. You will also benefit from unique integrated solutions for data backups, WordPress optimization, and security with Scala.

The good news certainly doesn’t stop here.

A dedicated IP address, SSL certificates, and site migrations are free of charge for each and every Scala VPS customer.

With our exciting recent partnerships, Cyfuture Cloud users can now benefit from DigitalOcean and Amazon AWS's virtual services.


All it takes to become an expert server manager is a little time and cautious planning. A few crucial actions must be taken along the route, from choosing the best plan to setting up the specifics and creating a maintenance strategy. In any situation, but particularly with a managed VPS hosting package, you need to trust a reputable hosting company.

If you have any more inquiries about server administration, please don't hesitate to contact the Cyfuture Cloud Support Team.

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