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​​How to Change IP Address of a Site in WHM?

Technical issues, enhancing security, or optimizing performance – no matter the reason that brings you to this tutorial–learn to change the IP address of a website in WHM in just a few simple steps.

So, let’s get started!

Step-By-Step Guide to Change IP Address in WHM

Step 1: Log into the WHM portal

Start by logging in to your WHM account using your correct credentials


Step 2: Click the Account Functions option from the navigation menu.


Step 3: Once logged in, navigate to the 'Change Site's IP Address' option.


Step 4: Now, enter the new IP address you want to assign.


That’s all!

Follow the guide step-by-step to change the IP address of a website on your WHM server.


Key Note: Update the DNS records associated with the site to reflect the new IP address. This step ensures visitors can access your site using the new IP address.

Why Change the IP Address?

You're still on the page! For your benefit, we've included some crucial pieces of information. Let's delve into why changing the IP address is necessary.

#1 Technical Troubleshooting

If your site is experiencing connectivity issues or other technological problems. Changing the IP address can sometimes resolve these issues by providing a fresh connection.

#2 Security Enhancement

Changing the IP address can help enhance security. This way, it becomes more difficult for attackers to target your website. Plus, it can also be part of a security strategy to mitigate risks.

#3 Performance Optimization

In some cases, changing the IP address can lead to performance improvements. It may include reducing latency or optimizing routing paths.

If you have come from top to bottom, you must concede how you can change the IP address of a website in WHM, and it is important. changing the IP address of a site in WHM can be straightforward. For more information-get in touch with hosting server experts. 

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