Sealed-secrets 0.20.2

Sealed-secrets 0.20.2


Sealed Secrets is a Kubernetes-native solution for encrypting secrets that are stored in Git repositories or other untrusted locations. It uses public-key cryptography to encrypt secrets, which can only be decrypted by the controller running inside the Kubernetes cluster, ensuring that the secrets are secure and tamper-proof. Sealed Secrets is an open source tool that provides an easy way to manage secrets in Kubernetes without having to worry about security or exposing sensitive data to unauthorized access.

  • Uses public-key cryptography to encrypt secrets for secure storage and distribution.
  • Provides an easy-to-use command line interface for generating and managing sealed secrets.
  • Works seamlessly with Kubernetes secrets, allowing for easy integration into existing workflows.
  • Supports automated decryption of sealed secrets using Kubernetes controllers, reducing the need for manual intervention.
  • Enables secure sharing of secrets across multiple clusters, namespaces, and teams.
  • Integrates with popular Git repositories and CI/CD tools for easy management of secrets in a DevOps workflow.

Secure storage and sharing of sensitive data: Sealed Secrets is an ideal solution for securely storing and sharing sensitive data in Kubernetes environments. By encrypting secrets using public-key cryptography, Sealed Secrets ensures that secrets can only be decrypted by authorized controllers running inside the cluster. This allows teams to share sensitive data across clusters, namespaces, and teams without worrying about exposing the data to unauthorized access.

Simplified secret management in Kubernetes: Sealed Secrets simplifies secret management in Kubernetes by providing an easy-to-use command line interface for generating and managing sealed secrets. This eliminates the need for manual encryption and decryption of secrets, reducing the risk of human error and making it easier to manage secrets across multiple clusters and environments.

  1. Install the Sealed Secrets controller on your Kubernetes cluster using the provided YAML manifests.
  2. Generate a public/private key pair using the kubeseal CLI tool.
  3. Use the kubeseal CLI tool to encrypt secrets and store them in a Git repository or other untrusted location.
  4. Deploy the sealed secrets to your Kubernetes cluster using kubectl apply.
  5. Access the sealed secrets in your application using the Kubernetes secrets API.

  1. Sealed Secrets uses public-key cryptography to encrypt secrets.
  2. The Sealed Secrets controller runs as a Kubernetes deployment and is responsible for decrypting sealed secrets.
  3. Sealed Secrets integrates with Kubernetes secrets to provide a seamless experience for managing secrets in Kubernetes.
  4. Sealed Secrets can be integrated with popular Git repositories and CI/CD tools for easy management of secrets in a DevOps workflow.
  5. Sealed Secrets is an open source tool that is actively maintained by the Kubernetes community.

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