Schema-registry 7.3.2

Schema-registry 7.3.2


Apache Kafka Schema Registry is a distributed storage layer for schema metadata used by Kafka topics. It provides a RESTful interface for storing and retrieving schema information, as well as compatibility checks between producer and consumer schemas. With Schema Registry, users can ensure that the data they produce and consume is in a consistent format and easily evolve their schema over time.

  • Centralized schema management for Apache Kafka
  • Ensures data consistency and compatibility across different applications and systems
  • Supports schema versioning and evolution
  • Provides schema validation and compatibility checking
  • Easy integration with other Kafka tools and systems
  • Scalable and highly available architecture

  • A company has multiple applications that produce and consume data in Kafka. Schema Registry can be used to manage and store the schemas for each application and topic, ensuring that all data is compatible and consistent across the company's data ecosystem.
  • A data-driven organization needs to ensure that data schema changes do not break existing applications or systems. Schema Registry can be used to version and evolve schemas over time while ensuring backward compatibility and consistency.

  1. Install and configure Schema Registry
  2. Define the schema for the data in the Kafka topic
  3. Register the schema with Schema Registry
  4. Update the schema and register a new version if changes are made
  5. Configure Kafka producers and consumers to use the registered schema for serialization and deserialization

  • Written in Java
  • Built on top of Apache Kafka
  • Supports schema storage in different formats, including Avro, JSON, and Protobuf
  • REST API for schema registration and retrieval
  • Scalable and distributed architecture, with support for horizontal scaling and load balancing
  • Supports authentication and authorization using SSL/TLS and LDAP.

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