kube-state-metrics 2.8.2

kube-state-metrics 2.8.2


Kube-state-metrics is a tool that exposes cluster state metrics that Kubernetes already collects through its API server. These metrics can be used to gain better insight into the behavior of Kubernetes resources and applications running on the cluster. By leveraging these metrics, users can monitor and troubleshoot their Kubernetes clusters more effectively, as well as gain visibility into how their applications are performing. Kube-state-metrics is a popular and widely used tool in the Kubernetes ecosystem, and is used by many organizations to monitor their Kubernetes clusters and applications. It is easy to install and configure, and provides a wealth of information that can be used to optimize cluster performance and ensure application reliability.

  • Collects a range of Kubernetes resource metrics, including deployments, replicasets, pods, services, and nodes.
  • Exposes Kubernetes resource metrics in a Prometheus-compatible format for easy consumption.
  • Supports customization of metrics collection and filtering through configuration options.
  • Can be deployed as a containerized application or as part of a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Provides a simple and lightweight solution for monitoring Kubernetes resources and clusters.
  • Can be used with other monitoring and alerting tools in the Kubernetes ecosystem.

  • Kube-state-metrics is commonly used for monitoring Kubernetes resource utilization and performance. It can be used to track the health and availability of resources like deployments, replicasets, and pods, as well as to identify performance bottlenecks or issues with resource allocation.
  • It can also be used to support capacity planning and scaling decisions. By collecting detailed metrics on resource utilization over time, kube-state-metrics can help operators make informed decisions about when to scale up or down their Kubernetes clusters or individual resources.

To use kube-state-metrics, you can follow these general steps:

  1. Deploy kube-state-metrics in your Kubernetes cluster, either as a containerized application or using a Kubernetes deployment.
  2. Configure kube-state-metrics to collect the metrics you're interested in by updating its configuration options.
  3. Expose the metrics collected by kube-state-metrics to Prometheus by configuring a scrape job in your Prometheus configuration file.
  4. Use Prometheus to query and visualize the Kubernetes resource metrics collected by kube-state-metrics.
  5. Use other tools in the Kubernetes ecosystem, like Grafana or Alertmanager, to build dashboards or alerts based on the metrics collected by kube-state-metrics.

  • Kube-state-metrics is written in Go and is designed to run as a containerized application in a Kubernetes cluster.
  • It uses the Kubernetes API server to collect resource metrics and expose them in a Prometheus-compatible format.
  • Kube-state-metrics supports a range of configuration options for customizing the metrics collected and exposed, including filtering by resource type or label.
  • It exposes metrics on a configurable port and endpoint, typically /metrics.
  • Kube-state-metrics is maintained by the Kubernetes community and is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

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