keycloak 20.0.5

keycloak 20.0.5


Keycloak is an open-source identity and access management solution that offers features such as single sign-on, social login, user federation, and more. It allows organizations to secure their applications and services by providing a centralized authentication and authorization mechanism. Keycloak is highly extensible, allowing developers to customize and integrate it with their existing systems. It provides a user-friendly administrative console that enables administrators to manage users, roles, and permissions easily. In this way, Keycloak simplifies the process of securing applications and services, allowing organizations to focus on their core business goals.

  • Centralized user authentication and authorization for multiple applications
  • User registration, email verification, password reset, and multi-factor authentication
  • User federation with external identity providers (LDAP, Active Directory, SAML, OpenID Connect)
  • Social login with popular platforms (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)
  • Fine-grained authorization policies based on roles, groups, attributes, and time-based constraints
  • Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection, encryption, and token revocation

  • Single Sign-On (SSO): Keycloak allows users to sign in once and access multiple applications without having to enter their credentials again. This improves user experience and reduces the risk of password-related attacks.
  • Federation: Keycloak can act as a federated identity provider (IdP) to allow users from external identity providers to access applications that trust Keycloak. This simplifies user management and enables organizations to leverage existing identity infrastructure.

  1. Download and install Keycloak on a server
  2. Configure realms, clients, and users
  3. Set up authentication and authorization policies
  4. Integrate Keycloak with applications using its client adapters

  • Built on top of Java, Spring, and Hibernate frameworks
  • Uses OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect protocols for authentication and authorization
  • Supports various identity and access management standards (LDAP, SAML, Kerberos, etc.)
  • Provides a RESTful API for programmatic access to Keycloak functionality
  • Distributed architecture with support for clustering and high availability

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