jaeger 1.43.0

jaeger 1.43.0


Jaeger is a distributed tracing system designed to monitor and troubleshoot complex distributed systems. It helps to identify performance bottlenecks, errors, and latency issues in microservices-based architectures. Jaeger has an open-source architecture that makes it easy to integrate with other platforms and tools. It provides end-to-end tracing for requests, showing how they flow through the entire system, including service-to-service communication. With its powerful visualization and querying capabilities, Jaeger makes it easy to gain insights into the health and performance of your distributed systems.

  • Jaeger provides a distributed tracing system with support for popular protocols such as OpenTracing, OpenTelemetry, and Zipkin.
  • It offers a web-based user interface for visualizing and analyzing trace data.
  • Jaeger supports multiple storage backends such as Cassandra, Elasticsearch, and Kafka.
  • It includes a sampling agent for reducing the amount of trace data collected.
  • Jaeger provides integration with Kubernetes for easy deployment and management.
  • It offers a rich set of APIs for programmatic access to trace data.

  • Troubleshooting complex distributed systems - Jaeger is particularly useful for developers working on complex distributed systems. It provides end-to-end visibility into transactions and helps pinpoint performance bottlenecks, errors, and failures in the system. Developers can use the tool to diagnose issues, optimize performance, and improve the overall reliability of the system.
  • Monitoring microservices-based architectures - In modern microservices-based architectures, tracing is essential for understanding the interactions between services. Jaeger provides the ability to trace transactions across services and provides insights into dependencies, latencies, and errors. This helps operators to monitor the performance and health of their microservices-based applications.

To use Jaeger, follow these simple steps:

  1. Install and configure the Jaeger agent on the servers running the services you want to trace.
  2. Instrument your application code with the appropriate tracing libraries such as OpenTracing, OpenTelemetry, or Zipkin.
  3. Start sending trace data to Jaeger's storage backend of your choice such as Elasticsearch or Cassandra.
  4. Use the Jaeger UI to visualize and analyze the trace data, identifying performance issues, errors, and bottlenecks.

  • Jaeger is written in Go and leverages the gRPC framework for communication between its components.
  • Jaeger provides support for multiple tracing formats, including Jaeger native, Zipkin, and OpenTelemetry.
  • It uses a sampling agent to reduce the amount of data collected and stored.
  • Jaeger provides various storage backends, including Cassandra, Elasticsearch, and Kafka, to store trace data.
  • It offers a rich set of APIs for programmatic access to trace data, including REST APIs and gRPC APIs.
  • Jaeger can be deployed on various cloud platforms, including Kubernetes and OpenShift, and can be integrated with various third-party tools such as Prometheus and Grafana.

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