ExternalDNS 0.13.3

ExternalDNS 0.13.3


ExternalDNS is an open-source Kubernetes add-on that provides DNS resolution and management of external resources for services running in a Kubernetes cluster. It allows users to specify external DNS names for services and automatically updates the DNS records when service IPs change. The tool helps simplify the process of managing external DNS records for Kubernetes services and enables seamless integration with different DNS providers.

By automating DNS record updates, ExternalDNS reduces the manual effort required to manage external resources and enables smooth integration with different cloud providers. It provides a unified interface for managing DNS records across different cloud environments, simplifying DNS management and reducing the chances of misconfiguration. Additionally, it offers a range of features that enable users to customize DNS record settings, configure different providers, and monitor changes in DNS records.

  • Supports multiple cloud providers including AWS, Google Cloud, Azure, and others.
  • Provides integration with Kubernetes ingress controllers to automatically update DNS records.
  • Supports multiple DNS providers including Route 53, Google Cloud DNS, Azure DNS, and others.
  • Configurable filtering of resources to limit the DNS records managed by ExternalDNS.
  • Supports customization of DNS record names and TTL values.
  • Provides a dry-run mode to preview DNS record changes before applying them.

  • Managing DNS records for Kubernetes services and ingresses: ExternalDNS can be used to manage DNS records for Kubernetes services and ingresses. It can automatically update DNS records as new resources are added, modified or deleted, ensuring that the correct DNS records are always in place for accessing Kubernetes resources externally.
  • Managing DNS records for other cloud resources: ExternalDNS can also be used to manage DNS records for other cloud resources such as load balancers, virtual machines, and databases. It provides a way to manage DNS records consistently across all cloud resources and helps in maintaining a single source of truth for DNS record information.

  • Install ExternalDNS on your Kubernetes cluster using Helm or YAML files.
  • Configure ExternalDNS with your cloud provider and DNS provider credentials.
  • Add annotations to your Kubernetes resources to specify the desired DNS record configuration.
  • ExternalDNS will automatically update the DNS records based on the annotations.

  • ExternalDNS is written in Go and uses Kubernetes API to watch for resource changes.
  • It uses cloud provider SDKs to manage DNS records in various cloud providers.
  • ExternalDNS runs as a Kubernetes deployment and can be horizontally scaled to handle larger clusters.
  • It supports integration with Kubernetes ingress controllers such as Nginx, Traefik, and Istio.

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