Redis-cluster 7.0.10

Redis-cluster 7.0.10


Redis Cluster is a distributed implementation of the Redis database, designed to provide high availability and horizontal scalability. It allows the partitioning of data across multiple Redis nodes, providing automatic data sharding and replication for fault tolerance. Redis Cluster is suitable for use in applications that require high performance and data consistency, such as real-time analytics, caching, and session management. It also includes features such as automatic node discovery and failover, making it easy to manage and maintain a Redis Cluster deployment.

  • Automatic data sharding across multiple nodes for horizontal scaling
  • Automatic failover and data replication for high availability
  • Support for multiple data structures, including strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets
  • Distributed locking and Lua scripting for advanced data processing
  • Built-in cluster management tools for easy setup and maintenance
  • Integration with Redis Sentinel for even higher availability and failover capabilities.

  • Caching: Redis Cluster is often used as a caching solution for web applications, as it provides fast access to frequently accessed data with low latency.
  • Session storage: Redis Cluster can be used to store session data for web applications, allowing for fast and efficient retrieval of user sessions across multiple nodes.

To use Redis Cluster, you need to first set up a cluster by configuring a set of Redis instances to form a cluster. Once the cluster is set up, you can start using it to store and retrieve data by connecting to any of the nodes in the cluster. Data will be automatically distributed across the nodes based on a hash function.

  • Redis Cluster uses a distributed hash table to determine which node data should be stored on.
  • Each Redis Cluster node has its own copy of the data, with automatic replication and failover.
  • Redis Cluster supports cluster-level commands for management and monitoring, as well as node-level commands for interacting with individual nodes.
  • Redis Cluster supports data partitioning across multiple nodes, with each node responsible for a subset of the data.
  • Redis Cluster also supports transactional processing, with support for atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID) properties.

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