PHPMyAdmin 5.2.1

PHPMyAdmin 5.2.1


PhpMyAdmin is a popular web-based application used to manage MySQL and MariaDB databases. It is written in PHP and provides an easy-to-use interface to manage and control database administration tasks. With its powerful set of features, it has become a go-to tool for developers, database administrators, and other users who need to manage and maintain their databases. PhpMyAdmin provides a range of features such as support for creating, modifying and deleting databases, tables, columns and rows, executing SQL queries, and exporting/importing data in different formats. It also allows for the management of user accounts and privileges, server status monitoring, and database backups.

  • User-friendly web interface for managing databases
  • Supports MySQL and MariaDB databases
  • Provides tools for managing tables, fields, indexes, and relations
  • Offers features for importing, exporting, and backing up data
  • Enables you to manage users and permissions
  • Supports multiple languages and themes

  • Web Developers: phpMyAdmin is an essential tool for web developers who work with MySQL and MariaDB databases. It allows developers to manage their databases, execute SQL queries, and perform routine tasks such as backups and exports.
  • Database Administrators: phpMyAdmin is also useful for database administrators who need to manage multiple databases and users. It provides an easy-to-use interface for managing permissions, optimizing tables, and monitoring server performance.

  • Install and configure a web server with PHP support
  • Download and install phpMyAdmin on the server
  • Configure the database connection settings in the config file
  • Access the phpMyAdmin web interface from a web browser
  • Use the interface to manage databases, tables, users, and more

  • Written in PHP language
  • Uses a web-based interface for managing MySQL/MariaDB databases
  • Supports MySQL 5.0 or higher and MariaDB 5.5 or higher
  • Compatible with various web servers such as Apache and Nginx
  • Supports various operating systems including Windows, Linux, and macOS
  • Licensed under GNU General Public License version 2 or later

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