Why Does Your Business Need Object Storage Service?

Dec 01,2023 by Meghali Gupta

Since businesses are gathering information from a wide range of stakeholders and processing data constantly, large-scale data storage and accessibility have become essential. New solutions, with differing degrees of success and usefulness, have emerged as this demand has risen across industries. Businesses have gradually shifted from using paper-based storage to digital storage options.

File-based storage is the most sensible choice among these many when the data to be saved is structured and must be kept in a specific hierarchy. Block storage, on the other hand, is useful when user-based, unbiased data management is necessary and data privacy is a top priority.

But if your business involves accumulating huge quantities of unstructured data, and you require an efficient way to store, manage and access it, then S3 compatible object storage is the way to go.

Explore the efficiency and scalability of data management with Dedicated Server solutions, enhancing large-scale data storage and accessibility for businesses in the digital era.

What is Object Storage?

Object storage, as the name suggests, is designed to treat data as an object. You must assign an object a name and storage location in order to comprehend what it is and where it is maintained in a physical inventory. Similarly, in an object storage architecture, data files are broken down into individual units called ‘objects’ and stored in ‘buckets’.

Integrating Dedicated Server solutions into this architecture elevates the efficiency and scalability of data management. After breaking down data into objects, assigning metadata descriptors, and unique identifiers, the incorporation of Dedicated Server enhances the storage dynamics. This transformation allows for even more streamlined and accessible data storage. Once data has been transformed into this format, it can be stored independently of any other infrastructure in a flat structure. This makes it possible for the data items to be easily and effectively accessed via an HTTP-based interface. Even while object storage has been available for a while as a data storage architecture, its S3 compatible format has led to its widespread application and popularity.

How Is Object Storage Used?

According to IDC, this storage approach is particularly well equipped to handle the quickly expanding amounts of unstructured data, which will eventually make up more than 80% of all data. Any form of unstructured data that comes from a variety of sources, such as: 

  • Factory sensors 
  • Smart cars 
  • Mobile devices 
  • Search engines 
  • Social media 
  • Audio- 
  • Video 
  • Photo 
  • PDFs, emails, and other electronic documentation

All things that are not inherently a part of an object storage system or relational database may essentially be handled using this method. 

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Object-Based Storage Architecture

Learn about the paradigm-shifting object-based storage architecture that transforms data management. Explore the three main pillars of programmability, custom metadata, and storage abstraction layer, which together open up new avenues for accessibility and data management.

Storage Abstraction Layer

Data volume is one key distinction between object storage and other types. Unlike blocks or files, data volumes are handled and maintained as objects. The format is user-friendly because of the items’ descriptive qualities. Unlike other data formats, addressing and recognising distinct items is easier with a unique identifier for each object. 

Specifically, the object-based storage architecture decouples manual administration tasks like logical volume building from the duties of a system administrator. The design idea that is based on separating the lowest storage level from the applications can be used to accomplish this.

Custom Metadata

The ability of object storage to properly utilise metadata is another essential feature. Fixed metadata is typically used with other forms of storage. Frequently, it is restricted to attributes like file types, names, and dates. Conversely, object-based storage allows for more functionality by maintaining a strict separation between file information and data. 

For example, object storage leverages the object’s specific information to centralise storage management across several locations or to implement data-management policies. To be more precise, an object-based storage device may write/read to and from individual objects, create and remove objects, and modify properties (metadata) via interface commands.


Apps may handle and modify data in object storage systems to query the necessary objects, no matter where they are kept. Programmatic interfaces, often an HTTP-based RESTful API, make it feasible. The majority of implementations just include the necessary read, write, and delete functions. Some added life-cycle management, object replication, and other features to the capabilities.

How Object Storage Works

Discrete data units are treated as objects in object storage so that they can be kept in their original data format. Three parts make up self-contained cloud objects: 

  • Data object 
  • Descriptive metadata 
  • Application programming interfaces (APIs) can locate and retrieve stored data thanks to this unique identity.

There is no requirement for the intricate data hierarchies, folders, and directories seen in file-based systems since these items do not need to be related to one another. Because of this method, cloud-object storage is perfect for unstructured data that doesn’t fit well with row-and-column databases’ relational storage needs.

Access to objects is governed by APIs. Cloud-based items may be accessible from any location at any time using HTTP-based RESTful APIs. Common commands such as PUT, POST, GET, and DELETE allow users with the appropriate permissions to easily manage cloud-object storage on demand.

Even though object storage may be utilised in local databases, hybrid clouds, and real multi-cloud systems, cloud storage is frequently more economical due to the volume and diversity of data that businesses today collect on a daily basis. This enables businesses to grow their infrastructure for data storage indefinitely.  

Understanding S3 Compatible Object Storage

The Simple Storage Service (S3) is the source of the moniker “S3 Compatible” object storage. An API is connected to S3 compliant object storage to enable data management and access over an S3 compliant interface. Large-scale unstructured data storage is best served by S3 compliant object storage, much like regular object storage.

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Object storage that was S3 compliant at first found use in cloud ecosystems. However, the same logic is now extended to private cloud and on-premise deployments. The question is no longer whether or not this storage type is meant for you. It is how S3 compatible object storage can deliver value to your organization and why your business needs it now!

Benefits of Object Storage Services

1. Scalability

As this form of storage is best suited for unstructured, large data sets, one of the biggest benefits of S3 compatible storage is scalability. With the standard plan, which offers 0-250 GB of data storage, you may save data in a variety of formats and from different sources. You may expand your object storage as your needs arise, all inside the same namespace, and without impacting the related data architecture. It is also possible to separate your static assets from the computing architecture without compromising the availability of your data.

2. Cost Savings

S3 Compatible object storage is purposely built and run on servers compliant with industry standards. Storage solution suppliers make investments in developing infrastructure that can effectively manage massive data volumes as a consequence. This means that with S3 storage, the higher your data storage needs, the cheaper it will be.

3. Multi-Cloud Accessibility

You need an easy approach to move between sources when you need to access data from numerous locations or your current data storage is dispersed over multiple cloud platforms. This is possible with S3 compatible object storage, wherein using a common API, S3 compliant workloads can be written to manage multiple cloud sources.  

4. Reliability

Data transfer and transport is an inter-connected requirement with data storage. So, when you are searching for a viable data storage solution, you also need to ensure that any data extraction or transport from such a platform is safe and reliable. With S3 compatible object storage, this requirement is more than satisfied as large data volumes can be safely moved over WAN.

5. Backup and Archiving

No company can afford to forgo a data backup plan, even with the added expense of keeping several copies of the data. Disaster management is made simple with object storage that is compatible with S3, data backup, and archiving. In accordance with the needs of the organisation, new backup tasks may be established or ad hoc backups can be performed. With an S3 compatible interface that allows for fast data restoration from backup, you can avoid any business interruption.

6. S3 Supported

S3 is an object-storage service compatible with Cyfuture cloud storage solutions. S3 gives businesses the capacity to manage data lakes, organise large volumes of data, and add extra protection to critical data. With flexible S3 pricing that only bills you for the data you consume, the service grows with your data demands. 

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7. Composability 

Object-storage systems’ self-contained data storage architecture makes the transition to composable cloud infrastructure easier. Companies may simply access, relocate, or replicate items to enhance overall IT performance as they create pools of virtualized, composable resources in real time.

8. Metadata Customization

Complete metadata customisation is possible with cloud-object storage, which shortens the time needed to locate certain data assets. While block storage relies on knowledge of the correct identifier to locate key data, cloud-object storage’s use of descriptive metadata makes it possible to implement keyword-based object search functions.

Open-source support is another feature that new object storage systems provide to ease data management at scale. Open-source solutions allow storage frameworks to be customised to fit individual needs and grow with growing IT environments, as opposed to depending on proprietary storage structures that force businesses to choose certain suppliers.

9. Continuity

Businesses may achieve data continuity based on huge scalability and constant availability by migrating object storage to the cloud. Cloud-object storage enables organisations to access their data in any way, at any time, from any location. Object-storage devices may be readily aggregated into bigger pools or copied across various cloud environments with no loss of fidelity to ensure consistent access anywhere, anytime, in the event of an emergency, ransomware attack, or other calamity that may harm data.  

Give top priority to developing a disaster recovery strategy for cloud storage so you can further safeguard critical information essential to the operation of your business as a whole.   

10. Compliance

No matter how or where data is stored—whether onsite, in co-located data centers or in the cloud—companies are responsible for ensuring regulatory compliance. Organisations using onsite file-based storage must make investments in scalable technology to safeguard growing data sources as well as local information security (infosec) staff.

Object storage instances may be secured with cutting-edge encryption and compliant with pertinent security laws, including PCI DSS, HIPAA, FISMA, and GDPR, in collaboration with reliable cloud providers. This will simplify storage compliance.  

11. Cost Management 

Pay-per-use pricing methods are commonly utilised by cloud-based object storage services, enabling businesses to effectively control storage expenses and mitigate the danger of storage sprawl. Because there are no hardware upfront expenses, businesses can spend less on CapEx and more on making the most out of their OpEx expenditures to optimise storage at scale.

object storage services

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the integration of Dedicated Server solutions with object storage presents an optimal solution for companies seeking to manage diverse data sources and extract valuable business insights. This strategic pairing not only guarantees cost-effectiveness but is also purposefully crafted for scalability. Whether your storage needs are currently modest or expanding, the incorporation of Dedicated Server capabilities assures a seamless alignment with the growth, allowing the object storage infrastructure to adapt and cater to the evolving requirements of your business.

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