The rise of deepfake technology and its potential impact on cybersecurity

Feb 20,2023 by Meghali Gupta
deepfake technology

Overview of Deepfakes

In September 2019, AI firm Deeptrace discovered 15,000 deep fakes online, an immediate increase of over ten months.  In recent years, Deepfakes have become increasingly prevalent with a number of high-profile examples highlighting their potential for creating disinformation and manipulating public opinion. 

For Instance, Barack Obama called Donald Trump a “complete dipshit”, or Did you witness Mark Zuckerberg boasting about his “complete control over the stolen data of billions of people,” or did you see Jon Snow’s heartfelt apology for the disappointing conclusion of Game of Thrones? Among entire deepfakes majority of deep fakes are pornographic i.e. almost 96%, and 99% of the mapped faces are swapped with porn stars.

As a result, many experts have raised concerns about the impact of deepfakes on cybersecurity, as they have the potential to deceive individuals and organizations, create chaos in digital systems, and undermine trust in information.

This article will explore the rise of deepfakes and their potential impact on cybersecurity, including the various ways in which they can be used, the risks they pose to individuals and organizations, and the steps that can be taken to mitigate these security risks through the cloud security.

Benefits of Deepfake Technology:


Deepfake Technology Benefits Description
Entertainment Enables realistic digital content creation for movies, gaming, and entertainment, enhancing visual effects.
Education Facilitates immersive learning experiences through historical recreations or language translation applications.
Training and Simulations Allows for realistic training scenarios in various fields like healthcare, defense, and crisis management.
Creative Content Enables innovative storytelling and creative expression for artists, filmmakers, and content creators.
Special Effects Enhances special effects in filmmaking, enabling cost-effective production and improved visual experiences.


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Let’s Understand What are deepfakes

Imagine you’re having a business video chat with someone who is not in the same city as you. You’re talking about sensitive things, like launching a new product or sharing financial reports that are not yet public. It seems like everything is flowing smoothly, and you realize that you are familiar with the person you are conversing with. You might have met them before, and they look and sound like you expect them to.

But what if you get to know the person you’re talking to is actually someone else and pretending to be your colleague or partner? This is where deepfakes come in. 

Deepfakes are a type of scam, it is a synthetic media that uses artificial intelligence to make it look and sound like someone is saying or doing something that they’re not. One of the most common uses of deepfakes is to create videos of public figures, such as politicians, celebrities, or business leaders, saying or doing things that they never actually did.

The purpose behind using deepfakes is to shame or blackmail someone or sharing sensitive information that could harm them. Being mindful of this form of fraudulent activity and implementing safeguards to safeguard oneself is crucial.

The potential impact of deepfakes on cybersecurity

Cybersecurity professionals are already grappling with data breaches, ransomware attacks, and phishing scams. Recently, another growing threat has kept them awake at night — the rise of the deepfake has raised a number of concerns about their potential impact on cybersecurity. 

Some of the key risks associated with deepfakes include:

Deception and fraud

One of the primary risks associated with deepfakes is that they can be used to deceive individuals or organizations. For example, a deepfake video of a company executive could be used to manipulate stock prices or to gain access to sensitive information. Similarly, a deepfake video of a politician could be used to manipulate election results or to spread false information about a particular candidate.

Disinformation and propaganda

Deepfakes can also be used to spread disinformation and propaganda, which can have serious implications for national security and global stability. For example, deepfakes could be used to create fake news stories or videos that are designed to influence public opinion or to sow discord in political or social systems.

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Reputation damage

Deepfakes pose another potential danger by being able to harm the reputation of individuals or organizations. For example, a deepfake video of a celebrity could be used to create a false narrative about their behavior, which could lead to public backlash and damage to their reputation.

Misuse of personal information

Deepfakes can also be used to manipulate or misuse personal information, which can have serious consequences for individuals. For example, deepfakes could be used to create fake social media profiles or to impersonate individuals online, which could lead to identity theft or harassment.

How do you spot a deepfake?

Deepfakes are manipulated media that use AI and ML to create convincing but false audio or video. Here are some ways to spot a deepfake:

Look for inconsistencies

Deepfakes often have inconsistencies, such as mismatches in lighting, shadows, or angles. For example, the lighting on a person’s face may not match the lighting in the background, or their facial features may not align properly with their body.

Pay attention to the audio

Deepfakes can be created using AI-generated voices or by manipulating existing audio. Listen carefully for any irregularities or inconsistencies in the voice or background noise.

Check for unnatural movements

In some deepfakes, the movements of a person’s face or body may look unnatural or jerky. The presence of this characteristic may indicate that the video has undergone some form of alteration.

Consider the context

The creation of deepfakes is frequently motivated by malicious intentions, such as disseminating false information or manipulating the opinions of the general public. If a video or audio clip seems too sensational or out of character for the person it features, it may be a deepfake.

Use technology

There are a number of tools available that can help you detect deepfakes, including software that can analyze videos frame by frame or detect inconsistencies in the audio. Nonetheless, these tools may not be entirely reliable and ought to be employed in conjunction with other means of identification.

Mitigating the risks of deepfakes

There are a number of steps that can be taken to mitigate the security risks of deepfakes. Some of the most effective strategies include:

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Educating the public

One of the most important steps in mitigating the risks of deepfakes is to educate the public about their potential impact. This includes raising awareness of the risks associated with deepfakes, as well as providing individuals with the tools and resources they need to identify and report deepfakes when they encounter them.

Developing detection tools

Another important step in mitigating the risks of deepfakes is to develop effective detection tools. These tools can be used to identify deepfakes and to prevent them from spreading. For example, some organizations are developing software that uses AI to detect and analyze deepfakes, which can help to identify and remove them from social media platforms and other online channels.

Regulating deepfakes

Regulation is another potential strategy for mitigating the risks of deepfakes. For example, some countries are considering laws that would make it illegal to create or distribute deepfakes without the consent of the individuals depicted in them. These laws could help to deter the creation and dissemination of deepfakes, and could provide individuals with legal recourse if they are targeted by deepfake attacks.

Developing AI defenses

AI is both the enabler and the defense against deepfakes. Research is underway to use AI to detect deepfakes, and to create AI-driven anti-deepfake systems. However, as AI systems are becoming more complex and sophisticated, so are the deepfakes. Therefore, it is important to continue to improve AI systems in order to stay ahead of the curve.


The plain truth is that the technology for producing deepfakes is advancing at a faster pace than the technology for detecting them. This poses a threat to both corporations and society as a whole. Thus, it is important for individuals, cloud security organizations, and governments to take steps to mitigate these risks.

This can only be achieved through a concerted effort by all stakeholders, including technology companies, researchers, policymakers, and the public at large. By working together, we can develop a comprehensive approach to deepfakes that maximizes their potential benefits while minimizing their potential risks.

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