Validated on 29 July 2021
Create a CyfutureCloud account, you can sign up with an email address and mobile number or with Google Single Sign-On (SSO).
Make a free CyfutureCloud Account
Sign up for CyfutureCloud, We have designed it so simple so that any user can scale and grow with effective pricing, an easy-to-handle control panel, team accounts, and more. The modern-day, self-managed cloud offers a lot of things . To protect your account, by default two-factor authentication is enabled.
To protect your account, we have implemented two-factor authentication. Sign-up for two-factor authentication to increase an additional layer of security to your CyfutureCloud account.
Learn more about Cyfuture Cloud user account management
When you create a VM on Cyfuture Cloud, you will have full control of your infrastructure (with products like) servers. Let us handle the infrastructure for you (with products like - Clouds, App Platform, managed databases).
You can expand VM with more storage volume when you need, you can scale up or down as per your workload requirement, and collaborate with others.